In Ossetia, beer is one of the symbols of the prayer process, so we strictly monitor its quality - Goginov

Sat, 29/06/2024 - 18:48

Beer of the South Ossetian enterprise the “High-Mountain Kel Brewery” is of high quality, brewed exclusively with premium natural malt, which is imported from Belarus, South Ossetia’s trade representative in Russia, Taimuraz Goginov, said in a comment to IA “Res”.

He has emphasized that the drink takes only first place in various forums.

“This year we participated in a major forum in Sochi for the second time, and every type of beer we produce won the highest awards - we received three gold medals,”Goginov said . - The competition jury highly appreciated the quality of our products; they were simply pleasantly bewildered.

In Ossetia, beer is one of the symbols of the prayer process, so we strictly monitor its quality.

The company uses only good equipment. In addition, the water used for brewing is unique in its composition,” Goginov said.

He has added that the company’s products are labeled with the Russian “Chestny Znak” product labeling system, which implies the authenticity and quality of the product.

Goginov has noted that the lion’s share of the company’s products is exported to Russia - today South Ossetia is already recognizable for the products of the High Mountain Kel Brewery, as well as Ironsaen.

“Of course, we do not intend to stop there. We have larger and global goals. We are looking for access to the international market and communicate with the CIS countries. We are thinking about supplying our beer to Latin America as well,” Goginov has emphasized.

At the international forum “Beer” in Sochi in May, the High Mountain Kel Brewery from South Ossetia received three gold medals for its beer lines.

The Kel Brewery first joined the forum last year and even then won the jury of the international forum and won a gold medal.

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