South Ossetia is participating in the round table in Pskov dedicated to interaction with compatriots

Wed, 24/07/2024 - 21:09

Editor-in-chief of the socio-political newspaper "South Ossetia" Zalina Tskhovrebova is participating in a round table in Pskov dedicated to interaction with compatriots abroad.

As reported to IA "Res" by Tskhovrebova, the event is taking place from July 23 to 28.

"Russian compatriots from different countries, journalists and representatives of the public exchange information about how and in what areas their interaction with the regions of the Russian Federation takes place, what prospects open up for compatriots thanks to such meetings," she said.

According to Zalina Tskhovrebova, the round table is being organized by the Department of Foreign Economic and International Relations of Moscow, the State Autonomous Institution "Moscow House of Compatriots" and the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization "Moscow Center for International Cooperation" with the support of the government and the governor of the Pskov Region.

The event is attended by representatives of executive authorities of the regions of the Russian Federation, representatives of the Russian-language foreign media and organizations of Russian compatriots living in the countries of the near abroad and Europe.

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