Thank you for remembering our guys - father of the Russian soldier killed in South Ossetia

Thu, 08/08/2024 - 14:26

Young people need to be brought up in the spirit of patriotism, - said the father of the Russian soldier Alexei Ivanov, who had died heroically during the war in South Ossetia in 2008.

The hero's father spoke at the mourning event in Tskhinval dedicated to the next anniversary of the 08.08.08 war.

Sergey Ivanov expressed gratitude to the head of state for the invitation to visit the Republic to honor the memory of the guys killed in the August war.

"Many thanks to all of you for remembering our guys," Ivanov said. "We should not relax, because you all see, you know, the enemy is not sleeping."

Ivanov wished the people of South Ossetia a peaceful sky above their heads.

The private Aleksey Sergeyevich Ivanov, a driver-electrician of the 503rd Motorized Rifle Regiment of the 58th Army, was among the Russian soldiers who came to the rescue of the bleeding Tskhinval.

Russian tanks with infantry entered the Gujabar district on the morning of August 10. As the 58th Army units approached, the Georgian troops poured all their fire on them.

The Georgian tanks with infantry advanced from the village of Nikoz. Aleksey lagged behind a little, covering his friends, he managed to kill the Georgian soldier and wound another one. But by that time, the Georgian gunners figured him out and two mortar shells fell near him.

Aleksey died heroically. He was only 19 years old.

A memorial plaque was installed in Tskhinval at the place of Aleksey Ivanov's death. This plaque is a sign of memory and respect not only to Aleksey Ivanov, but also to all the Russian soldiers who were defending the independence of South Ossetia at the cost of their lives.

Мой мир