The scientists from South Ossetia and Russia are starting a joint archaeological expedition

Sat, 17/08/2024 - 14:37

A joint archaeological expedition was discussed with Russian specialists at the South Ossetian State University on Friday, the university's press service told IA "Res".

"A working meeting was held between Rector Vadim Tedeev and Director of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (VSC RAS) Alexey Chibirov and Russian historians and archaeologists headed by Professor of the Department of History and Theory of Culture at the Russian State Humanitarian University, a specialist in the archeology and culture of ancient Iranian peoples - Sarmatians, Alans, Iranians of Central Asia Sergei Yatsenko," the press service has noted.

During the meeting, the details of a joint archaeological expedition to South Ossetia were discussed, which will last about two weeks, starting on August 17.

For the South Ossetian side, the meeting was attended by Vice-Rectors of the South Ossetian State University Stanislav Gobozov and Eduard Tskhovrebov, dean of the faculty of Russian philology, journalism and foreign languages ​​Irina Bekoeva, senior lecturer of the department of history of Ossetia and Caucasian studies Nelli Tabueva, Head of the university Media Holding Alla Dzhioeva.

The purpose of the expedition is to search for and analyze generic signs on the defensive towers, residential buildings to restore historical information about local societies.

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