South Ossetia has celebrated the Russian National Flag Day

Thu, 22/08/2024 - 22:30

(Название отсутствует)

South Ossetia has celebrated the Russian National Flag Day

A festive concert dedicated to Russian Flag Day took place at the Palace of Children's Creativity in Tskhinval.

The participants of the event were the South Ossetian performer Marta Kharebova, pupils of the Albion gymnasium, the Lyceum of Arts and the Tedeev Children's Music School.

The guys recited poems and sang patriotic songs. As part of the event, flash mobs were organized, after which children were treated to free ice cream.

Addressing the participants of the holiday, the head of the Russian House in Tskhinval, Sergei Komissarov, emphasized the importance of the symbol of the state - the Russian flag.

“Each of you has a ribbon on your chest, and flags in your hands - this is a symbol of the statehood of the Russian Federation. It means that Russia protects each of you, and that each of you cannot let Russia down. By this sign we are recognized all over the world. Wherever we are, if we have symbolic, everyone understands where we are from and what a big country is behind us. Congratulations on the holiday and I wish you to grow up in peace, kindness and be able to proudly carry this symbol through life,” he said.

At the end of the event, the “Drawing on the Asphalt” event took place, during which the children drew a large Russian flag with crayons.

The holiday was organized by the Union of Russian Citizens and the Coordination Council of the Organization of Russian Compatriots (KSORS) with the support of the Russian House in Tskhinval and Ministry of Education of South Ossetia.

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