All the State Duma deputies were united in the issue of recognizing the independence of South Ossetia - Taysayev

Mon, 26/08/2024 - 15:04

The Day of Recognition of South Ossetia on August 26, 2008 united all the people of Russia, all deputies were united in the issue of recognizing the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, Kazbek Taysayev, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on the CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots of the State Duma of Russia, said at the meeting with President of the Republic of South Ossetia Alan Gagloev.

“A historic event took place in Moscow 16 years ago. There was such enthusiasm in the State Duma building when the fate of South Ossetia and Russia was being decided. I have not seen such a thing for a long time. And, of course, our people deserve this holiday,” Taysayev said.

According to him, a constructive meeting with the new convocation of the South Ossetian Parliament has taken place.

"We have known each other for a long time; we have been working together for several years. I am very grateful to the previous Speaker of Parliament, Alan Alborov, for the colossal work that he and his team have done with the State Duma. I am sure that the current head of the legislative body, Alan Margiev, will continue this fruitful work. We were talking about this today," he has noted.

Taisaev has added that the State Duma provides maximum support to the Parliament of South Ossetia.

"We are ready to do everything to ensure that the residents of South Ossetia live comfortably and with dignity on their native land. We are very grateful to you, Alan Eduardovich, and your team for the work you are doing," the State Duma representative has emphasized.

He has added that the Parliamentary elections in the Republic were held at the highest level.

"For the first time, the elections were held without any incident, calmly, normally. Everyone had the opportunity to speak out, to convey their program to voters. People could calmly come to the polling station and cast their vote for the party, for the candidates they wanted. This is a great merit of your entire team, the Central Electoral Commission,” Taysaev has noted.

According to him, several parties are represented in the RSO Parliament, including the Communist Party.

“The deputies of the Communist Party of the Republic of South Ossetia always support our common decisions for the benefit of our people,” he has noted.

Alan Gagloev, in turn, awarded the jubilee medal “In Commemoration of the 15th Anniversary of the Victory in the Patriotic War of the People of South Ossetia” to Kazbek Taysaev and deputy of the RSO-Alania Parliament Chermen Dudati.

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