Strengthening ties and exchanging experience: Thomas Dzhigkaev on the medical conference held in Tskhinval

Thu, 26/09/2024 - 20:43

The international medical conference held in the hero city of Tskhinval has become the important step in strengthening cooperation with the heads and leading specialists of medical institutions of the Russian Health Ministry, Abkhazia, the Kabardino-Balkaria Republic, and the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. This was stated by the Health Minister of South Ossetia Thomas Dzhigkaev at the press conference in the Information and Press Committee of the Republic.

The head of the Health Ministry of the Republic of South Ossetia expressed his deep gratitude to the leadership of the Republic, headed by President Alan Gagloev, for their assistance in organizing the conference.

“I am very grateful to President Alan Eduardovich, the government of the Republic and everyone who helped organizing the International Medical Conference. I would also like to express special words of gratitude to the employees of the Health Ministry. The participants of the event noted the high level of organization and conducting the conference,” Thomas Dzhigkaev has noted.

According to the Minister, the conference participants were world-class specialists, leading specialists of national medical research centers of the Russian Ministry of Health in various fields.

“One has to be a doctor to understand the scale of the South Ossetian medical conference,” Dzhigkaev has noted.

The head of the Ministry has emphasized that the conference was the important platform for discussing current health issues, as well as for exchanging experience between the specialists from different countries.

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