South Ossetia called on the Georgian party to take reciprocal steps in the issue of missing persons

Fri, 27/09/2024 - 22:45

The South Ossetian party once again called on Georgia not to politicize the issue of missing persons and to take reciprocal steps in this purely humanitarian issue, Inal Tasoev, Commissioner for Human Rights under President of the Republic, told IA “Res ”, commenting on the results of the next meeting within the framework of the Tripartite Coordination Mechanism for the Search for Missing Persons, which took place on Friday in the village of Ergnet.

“During the meeting, a thorough discussion took place on the actions taken by the parties in the search for missing persons since the last meeting, which took place in March 2024. Several individual cases of the missing citizens were examined in detail, including Alan Khachirov, Pliev Soltan, Khugaev Alan, who went missing in October 2008,” Tasoev said.

The Ombudsman has added, that the meeting outlined plans and further actions that the parties will take in the coming months, including searching for possible burial sites, meetings with potential witnesses and eyewitnesses of the events, as well as working with other possible sources of information.

The next meeting within the Mechanism will take place in the spring of 2025. The Coordination Mechanism, which unites the Georgian, South Ossetian and Russian participants, was created with the assistance and technical support of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in 2010.

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