The CEC of South Ossetia is ready for the elections and the referendum
The CEC of South Ossetia is ready for the November 13 presidential elections and a referendum on formalizing the state status of the Russian language. It has been declared at the press conference in Tskhinval, by the CEC chairman Bella Plieva. "All the polling station commissions are ready to start voting on Sunday, November 13 at 8 a.m. till 20:00 p.m. The number of voters and the registered candidates is determined. There are also cases of withdrawals among the registered presidential candidates. The CEC has done everything possible to hold elections with dignity and transparently", - Plieva emphasized. She has mentioned the decision to put stamps on the passports in order to prevent some citizens could vote twice. "This is the CEC decision. But we appealed to the government and the presidential administration that the Visa Service should also be informed, as well as the relevant services at the checkpoint in the Lower Zaramag. Our decision has been approved "- the CEC head has said.