Murat Dzhioev: \"It is an intervention into the internal affairs of an independent state\"

Thu, 01/03/2007 - 09:26

\"The visits of the first persons of Georgia of the territory of South Ossetia Republic are an intervention into the internal affairs of an independent state\". The Minister of Foreign Affairs of South Ossetia Republic Murat Dzhioev has declared about it, making comments on the visit of the prime minister of Georgia Zurab Nogaideli of the georgian-populated villages of South Ossetia.
\"We made statements in connection with the illegal trips of the president of Georgia on the territory of South Ossetia Republic through wood roads. Firstly, such visits only intense the situation, secondly, they are an eyewash.
Now the certain change of position of the Georgian management is observed. They as though have hidden a whip behind the back, and hold a spice-cake in their hands. But the people of South Ossetia has already seen these spice-cakes + So they will not bribe or deceive our people.
As for the georgian-populated villages of South Ossetia, then they certainly make them some benefits, assist, but these are the temporary actions, calculated on the world community,so that to show, that Georgia makes blessings for the inhabitants of these villages and the \"good\" Georgian management tries to win the ossetians over to their side. But if the Georgian management does care of the people, then let first of all take care of the people of Georgia, where all the benefits to the pensioners have been recently cancelled, thus putting them in a more beggarly position. That is we regard this all as a political action.
The so-called alternative government is illegal as from the point of view of the south-ossetian people, so from the point of view of the Georgian management. There are no legislative grounds for their activity, but, nevertheless, the Georgian management tries to present them as a certain alternative to the official authorities of South Ossetia Republic. They also try to present them as a force, which ostensibly does not agree with an official position of the people of South Ossetia, not of the management, but of the people, as the management of South Ossetia adheres to that line, which the people of South Ossetia has determined twice at referendums of 1992 and 2006\", has declared Murat Dzhioev.

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