Alan Pliev: «The event in Kodori Gorge is a provocation similar to the script of the events taking place in South Ossetia»

Tue, 13/03/2007 - 12:22

In occasion with the recent events in Kodori gorge, the correspondent of «Res» has addressed the deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of South Ossetia Republic Alan Pliev for comments.
According to his words, « the occurred fact is a provocation similar to the script of the events taking place in South Ossetia. All the interested parties mark the growth of intensity in Kodori gorge. All that can be connected, firstly, with the repeated round of parliamentary elections of the Republic of Abkhazia, that will be held on March,18th, and secondly, with the unwillingness of Georgia to carry out the decision of the Security Council of the United Nations Organization №1716 about the immediate withdrawal of armies from Kodori gorge. According to the authorities of Abkhazia, all that is planned by the special services of Georgia so that the situation would become intense, so that to cause growth of opposition between the Abkhazian and the Georgian formations, and by that to justify the unwillingness of withdrawal of the armies, and even the armaments build-up in the top part of Kodori gorge, - thus having noted, that in reply to the statement of Georgia, that the villages have been fired by the Russian helicopters, the commander of the peace-making operation in Abkhazia the general Evnevich has stated, that helicopters could not fly in the direction mentioned by the Georgians for technical reasons, and there was no military installation of type "Grad" at the disposal of the peacemakers».
« Here the interest of Georgia is felt; in this situation is especially important to involve the law on obligatory reserve military service, i.e., as well as at us, in South Ossetia, the intense situation is aggravated from nothing, and already proceeding from this are taken the measures, that in opinion of the Georgians are justified.
The management of our republic calls the parties to solve the problems exclusively in a peace way at a negotiating table, excepting the application or the threat of application of force», he has added.

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