The statement of the co-chairman of JCC from South Ossetia Republic Boris Chochiev

Tue, 08/05/2007 - 09:13

On occasion of the finished without any results meeting of the co-chairmen of JCC from the south-ossetian and the Georgian parties, the co-chairman of JCC from the south-ossetian party Boris Chochiev has declared the following:
«The ossetian party pays attention on the fact that Georgia has once again shown the unwillingness to conduct a constructive dialogue. At the meeting of the co-chairmen of JCC, taken place today, it was supposed to clear up the situation with the toughening of the carrying mode on the site of the Trans-Caucasian main, controllable by the Georgian side, and the removal of the illegally placed posts of the special troops of Georgia.
However it has appeared that all these provocative actions were an aimed action with the purpose of aggravation of the situation in the zone of the conflict.
The ossetian side, wishing to avoid the similar development of the situation, reserves itself the right also to block the roads for the secure of the peace citizens.
In South Ossetia they are assured, that the Georgian side will remove these posts and will support the initiative of the south-ossetian party on continuation of the negotiating process, directed at the peace settlement of the georgian-ossetic conflict».

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