Water delivery to Tskhinval has again worsened

Mon, 13/08/2007 - 14:15

Water delivery to Tskhinval and the adjoining it villages has again sharply worsened. As the head of the administration of Tskhinval Robert Guliev has informed the correspondent of the agency "Res ", since yesterday no more than 10 % of the necessary amount of water is delivered to the town.
« The reasons are not known for the time present, but it is possible to assume, that it is still connected with the illegal cuts on the water-sluice Edis-Tskhinval on the site Tamarasheni-Kekhvi, the number of which increases every day », Robert Guliev has noted.
In the Ministry of Agriculture of RSO they have informed, that the inhabitants of the nearby georgian villages annually pay tax to the georgian authorities for the use of irrigating water and at the same time use in these purposes the water from the water-sluice, delivering potable water to Tskhinval.
« Not only that the inhabitants of the georgian villages do not pay in any way for the given water from irrigation canals, they also make illegal cuts, keeping Tskhinval in a water blockade. Numerous georgian policemen, being in the above-named villages, not only do not interfere with this lawlessness but also do not allow our repair brigades to the places of cuts, and that it is no wonder because they themselves are the source of intensity between the ossetians and the georgians », the Minister of Agriculture of South Ossetia Dzhambolat Kozaev has told.

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