Robert Gagloity: «People, ready to betray their own kin for money are disgrace of unite and indivisible Ossetia»

Tue, 27/05/2008 - 17:04

The co-chairman of «Georgian-Ossetian social forum» Djabrail Gabachiev, who is also the editor of an independent newspaper «Social Democrat of Alania» has recently visited Georgia. On account of this event IA «Res» correspondent turned for the commentary to the chief of RSO Scientific Research Institute, the Deputy of «Styr Nykhas» chairman Robert Gagloity.
«I am utterly surprised of Gabachiev’s presence in the conflict zone, all the more in the zone which is the part of the Republic of South Ossetia and just for the time being is uncontrolled. Who is this Gabachiev to speak on behalf of Ossetians? I do know his publications and find them egregious. Being an Ossetian he is flinging mud at his own people. No doubt this man is vendible».
Commenting Gabachiev’s trip to Liakhva valley for visiting the objects of social infrastructure built by «temporary administration» headed by Dmitry Sanakoev, Gagloity noted that «in contrast to Gabachiev the citizens of South Ossetia, especially inhabitants of Georgian administered villages are well aware that Dima Sanakoev and his «temporary administration» does not concern to construction of these objects. Dima Sanakoev is a marionette figure in the project realized by Georgian Government in concert with some unscrupulous NGOs whose «velvet» results of work we observed in Georgia and Ukraine. It is Georgian Government who is undertaking construction and the realization of social programs in Georgian enclaves. Of course the activity of Georgian Government is mostly for foreign guests, then for the local population and is of window-dressing character but nonetheless there is some advantage. Soon or late we will take under control these territories».
«Talking with the Georgian journalists Gabachiev has expressed his negative attitude to Eduerd Kokoity policy. Who is he to assess the policy of the President elected by the whole people of the Republic of South Ossetia»-said Gagloity.
«As for the claims that the majority of RNO-Alania citizens are not appreciated the idea of unification with South Ossetia I must say as an Ossetian and the patriot this is a lie. People, ready to betray their own kin for money are disgrace of unite and indivisible Ossetia».

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