RSO President invites the ambassadors to get acquainted with the situation on the spot

Sat, 07/06/2008 - 13:09

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia on behalf of the RSO President Eduard Kokoity turned to a number of ambassadors of accredited in Georgia States, as well as the OSCE Mission in Georgia with an invitation to visit RSO to get acquainted with the developing situation on the spot.
As IA «Res» correspondent was informed at RSO MFA this invitation is due to the extreme concern of the RSO Government by the escalation of tension in the region provoking by the Georgian authorities what may effect a disastrous aftermaths for the regional stability.
«Demonstratively turning down the continuation of the political dialog with South Ossetia the Georgian side is going on aggravating the situation purposefully provoking its critical level by conducting of diversion and terrorist acts at the territory of South Ossetia»-mentioned at MFA. Here emphasized that the terrorist and provocative activity of the Georgian side is accompanied with the flow of misinformation and utter lie intended both for their own population and the international community, which is declaring its adherence to the human wrights and the principles of democracy but is often displaying an oppressive indifference to their real observance.
«Created situation urgently needs an enhanced level of information for the international community regarding the real situation in the Georgian-Ossetian conflict zone and the actual state of Georgian-Ossetian relations. For this purpose RSO MFA on behalf of the RSO President Eduard Kokoity directed and invitation to a number of accredited in Georgia ambassadors and international organizations to visit Republic in the beginning of June this year for the first-hand familiarization with the situation»-informed at RSO MFA.

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