Georgia increased the number of illegal MIA posts in the conflict zone

Tue, 17/06/2008 - 15:13

The Georgian side placed another illegal MIA post in the Georgian-Ossetian conflict zone. As IA «Res» correspondent was informed by RSO deputy Prime Minister who is also JCC on Georgian-Ossetian conflict settlement South Ossetian part co-chairman Boris Chochiev the post was established at Sver village.
«We are constantly claiming that the Georgian side is violating all the existing agreements by establishment of numeral illegal posts, i.e. posts not agreed within the JCC framework. As it became known they established the other day one more illegal post at Sveri village»-said Chochiev.
He has also mentioned that the South Ossetian side «will be draw attention of JCC co-chairmen and OSCE mission representatives that this post should be removed».
«We are claiming that the Georgian side must remove illegal posts but instead they are increasing their number»-emphasized JCC co-chairman.
According to the South Ossetian JCC part presently in the Georgian-Ossetian conflict zone are 21 illegal MIA and MSS posts.

1. In Avnevi
2. In Eredvi
3. In Vanati
4. At the TransKam near Brotsleti
5. In Dici
6. 1,5 km to the east from Zerti
7. In Ergneti
8. In Kheiti
9. At the southern suburb of Breti
10. Near the Zemo-Shakshaketi bridge
11. In Zemo-Nikozi
12. In Karbi
13. In Kheltubani
14. In Plavismani
15. In Berula
16. In Tamatasheni
17. At the crossroad to Eredvi, Vanat, Dmenis
18. In Medjriskhevi
19. In Sver
20. Two posts at the Pauk bypass road

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