A delegation of foreign journalists arrived in Tskhinval

Sat, 14/02/2009 - 10:41

Several journalists representing western media are visiting South Ossetia to see the process of reconstruction.
The have visited "Moscow microdistirct" which is being built up, as well as other construction sites in Tskhinval. During their visit, the journalists had a possibility to talk to local population to better understand the situation in post-war South Ossetia.
James Hill, a photographer from "New York Times", came to South Ossetia in 90s and right after the August 2008 hostilities.
"We are pleased with this opportunity to visit South Ossetia and see everything on the ground, since it seems like the situation in South Ossetia is paid little attention. We have no particular aim, we simply want to know what the situation is like here ", said James Hill adding that "it was nice to see that new building are being built".
"We have visited the newly constructed kindergarten and saw that people are returning to nomal life, even if compared with December 2008. Once can certainly build new buildings, rehabilitate and reconstruct the destroyed ones, but the old wounds will not be healed soon", said James Hill.

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