Murat Djioev: "Tension is to the advantage of political circles in Georgia"

Fri, 20/03/2009 - 19:03

The situation around South Ossetia remains tense. The authorities of Georgia increase their military presence in the areas adjacent to South Ossetia. This causes serious concerns about the role of international monitors responsible for security in the region. IA RES addressed the RSO Foreign Minister Murat Djioev for comments.
"It is true that there was a number of provocations committed by the Georgian side to aggravate the situation. These are fire opened at Tskhinval city and villages of South Ossetia from the Georgian side, abductions of people, intentioned dissemination of rumors about new military aggression, and so on. But the most important is the increased Georgia"s military presence along the border with South Ossetia", said Djioev.
"According to available information, the Georgian side has more than 45 checkpoints along the borderline with SO with around 530 personnel deployed there. At nights, fortifications are being built up. Things are done in the area of responsibility of EUMM meant to ensure security of South Ossetia in accordance with Medvedev-Sarkozy plan", stressed the Minister.
According to him, the South Ossetian side had repeatedly stated, including within the frames of Geneva talks, its concern about the situation and non-fulfillment by EU monitors of their functions.
"Things are right where they started, that is the situation is growing tense, and this might be advantageous for political circles in Georgia, but certainly not for the population on both sides of the Georgian-Ossetian borderline", stressed the RSO Foreign Minister.

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