2009-2011 Draft Program for Development of Civil Society in South Ossetia as an Integral Part of Statehood

Tue, 16/11/2010 - 18:06

The development of civil society in order to achieve civil consent is a priority for the Office of Domestic Policy (ODP) of the Republic of South Ossetia. The development of South Ossetia as a dynamic, modern state with the highest standards of living is possible only through increased involvement of human potential upon the condition of civil society development.
The program of development of civil society of South Ossetia in 2009-2011 is designed to implement the directions of the development of the Republic of South Ossetia indicated in the Address of the President of the Republic of South Ossetia to the people of the Republic of 26.12.2008.

This program analyzes today's main trends in the development of society in the Republic of South Ossetia and specific mechanisms for its development in the coming period. The program defines the main directions in the development of civil society institutions, public consensus and engagement of civil society potential.
It may become the basis for the development of targeted programs, legislative and other normative acts aimed at creating favorable conditions for the formation and development of state and civil institutions at the initial stage of the recognition of South Ossetia as a sovereign state.
The reconstruction, which began in the Republic destroyed by August 2008 war, and the development of its state institutions requires establishment of a long-term, sustainable "power-society" partnership, various dialogue platforms, in order to eliminate negative trends caused by the violations and shortcomings associated with the distribution of cash benefits, humanitarian assistance, reconstruction of housing destroyed by the war, etc.
It is necessary to achieve a society where the main actor and participants of its processes and relations is an individual with the whole system of his needs, interests and values.
A society becomes civil society only at a certain stage of democratic development and develops along with the economic, political and social development, growth of welfare, culture and identity. Statehood is impossible without development of civil society. Public consensus and democracy are closely interconnected: the more developed civil society is the more democratic is the state.
Prerequisites for the development of civil society is the citizens' economic independence and increased status of a human person. Rule of law and democracy are the political foundation of a society to ensure observance of all the rights and freedoms and the development of society in order to create socio-political stability, security, justice and mutual confidence.
One of the main underlying conditions that provide for confidence in it is transparency that is provided through the independence of media. It is necessary to achieve interaction between the state and society, as integral parts of a unified system. It is needed to build relationships between government and society on the basis of public dialogue and agreement, and cooperation should be aimed at achieving a compromise.
The state must guarantee the right to individual freedom, but at the same time, should foster the responsibility for the development of a modern civilized state. The society's right to publicly assess the actions of the power and the mechanisms of influence on power in the interests of the society should become the basis of democratic procedures. The main goal of statehood development should be the creation of conditions for security, comprehensive development of civil society and strengthening of the links between a citizen and the state, to exclude usurpation of power of the latter.
The level of civil society should ensure the interaction between the individual and the state.
The aim of civil society is to protect the interests of every member of the society, the representation of his/her interests before the government and the society, public control over the activities of government and the formation of domestic and foreign policy of this society.
The main objectives of civil society development in South Ossetia are:
1. Awareness on and correction of social and political climate;
2. Support, development and promotion of civil initiatives;
3. Ensuring the participation of citizens in the implementation of state and local programs;
4. Acknowledgement of norms, values and moral principles in society;
5. To promote harmonization of relations between the authorities and public institutions, to create conditions for civil consent and reduce social conflicts; settlement of social and other conflicts through constructive dialogue.
6. Promoting openness and transparency in state decision-making;
7. Support freedom of expression, strengthen independent media and maintain openness of information environment.
The main objectives of the Program for civil society development are:
1. Improve the legal, socio-economic and institutional technical basis for the comprehensive development of civil society and equal partnership with the state.
2. Elaboration of economic incentives for community participation in the economy of the Republic.
3. Formation of a favorable legal framework for the establishment and development of all the institutions of modern civil society.
The implementation of the Programme objectives will provide for:
- Respect for human rights and democratic freedoms;
- Creation of conditions for the development of society;
- A combination of human rights and freedoms with the responsibility towards the society and the state;
- Public control over the activities of the government;
- Creation of a culture of cooperation based on partnership between government and social structures;
- Creation of a system of coordination the interests of society and government;
- The implementation of the first and basic principle of a democratic state – promotion od human rights, as the principal values of modern society.
- State and public institutions will ensure civil consent and political stability;
- The state power through the main priority – to serve the community jointly with public institutions, will ensure the freedom of speech, assembly, religion, fair trial, and transparent local elections.
- Formation of the state programs will be based on and tailored to the needs of the people and the society;
- Public institutions commissioned by state authorities will carry out social projects, monitor their implementation and will assess public opinion on various socio-economic problems;
- The state will create a broad system of conflict prevention and resolution, to harmonize the interests of the state and society, with the national mentality and historical experience taken into account;
- The media will objectively cover the life of the Republic with a focus on protection of public interests and values.
The development of civil society will be based on the following principles:
- The rule of law and equality before the law without exception;
- Participation of citizens of the Republic of South Ossetia and their representatives in managing state affairs (decision-maing) and in solving problems of public importance;
- Equal opportunities for citizens to participate in the process of establishing a democratic state;
- Engagement of citizens in the democratic culture of behavior;
- Commitment of citizens, the state and the society to a culture of dialogue and cooperation.
To strengthen the mechanisms for cooperation between state bodies and civil society institutions it is necessary to:
- To conduct on a regular basis civic forums that to become effective platform for dialogue in the Republic to generate solutions to problems of interaction between government and society, and to determine the priorities for cooperation and partnership;
- To introduce the practice of public hearings on socially relevant issues;
- To promote the formation and development of the republican information and analysis network that would provide for monitoring of the implementation of programs of social development, as well as the introduction of modern information and telecommunication technologies;
- To explore, identify, test and implement best practices of interaction between public institutions, to elaborate recommendations for state and local governance on building up effective mechanisms for interaction with public institutions;
- To consider the creation of structural units to deal with public relations in central and local governing bodies.
To create conditions for high political, legal and civic culture of the population it is necessary to ensure that every person enjoys his/her economic, social, civil and political rights guaranteed by the Constitution of South Ossetia.
To meet this end it is necessary to:
- Raise humant rights awareness of people through the work of public institutions;
- Ensure citizens' participation in the settlement of all-Republic problems;
- Promote respect of the Constitution of the Republic of South Ossetia and state symbols in the society;
- Implement joint information and awareness campaigns of relevant government agencies and public institutions to achieve
high degree of awareness on the social standards in the field of human rights and freedoms and their value for every individual and society as a whole.
The overall objective of the authorities and the society is to build a welfare state, improving the efficiency of social policy, to ensure minimal impact of shortcomings and negative facts on the public opinion through public involvement in government processes.
It is necessary to develop and implement a republican standard of living meant to establish national regulations and standards, ensuring the implementation of the socio-economic rights of citizens guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of South Ossetia, and simultaneously serve as a guide for the implementation of socio-economic policy.
The media requires development of effective measures providing for economic incentives to increase the competitiveness of national television and radio, newspapers and magazines.
It is crucial to develop cooperation with international organizations to implement social, cultural, educational and other projects in the context of national interests.
The development of civil society is fundamental to a democratic, modern legal and social state. Social progress, democratic development, economic growth, public consensus is possible with the active participation of citizens in all important spheres of life. Implementation of this program for the development of civil society will strengthen and mobilize the human intellectual potential. Largely it will serve to regenerate the social and political climate, increase of individual responsibility for the future of South Ossetia. It will ensure transparency of government's activities, increase of its reputation and credibility. It will create conditions for the eradication of corruption and identification of the most vital problems. It will counteract arbitrariness and abuse of power by state officials. It will help improve the lives and activities of citizens. It will ensure compliance with the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens.
The confidence and respect towards power among the society are a solid foundation for social peace and consent, political stability and hence, sustainable development of our Republic, with its complex, but heroic history, with its right to liberty and sovereignty won through a bloodshed, and with aspirations of diginified joining the world community, with a willingness to implement a modern model of a civil society.
Merab Zaseev
Head of Domestic Policy and Information Support to the Administration of the President of South Ossetia

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