The Republican Political Party "Yedinstvo" of South Ossetia had elaborated a action plan jointly with the Russian Border to engage the border-guards into public life of the Republic, reported the Chairperson of the City branch of the party Eleonora Bedoeva. "The first event, a lecture on territorial plan of the Republic of South Ossetia was a great success. The border-guards showed their vivid interests in the plans of socio-economic development of the Republic", informed Bedoeva.
Bedoeva underlined the necessity for joint events in the future. "The border-guards are an inseparable part of our society, and we would like them feel comfortable in South Ossetia, so that actively participate in the public life", she stated.
As to the activities of the party in the near future, Bedoeva informed that on 25 February, the "Yedinstvo" party would hold a concert jointly with South Ossetian branch of Fund "Institute for Eurasia Studies" for the personnel of the Fourth Russian Military Base and their families with participation of South Ossetian children groups.