Eduard Kokoity: Constitution became the foundation of uniting the society, strengthening and developing of the state authority institutes

Mon, 11/04/2011 - 17:10

Congratulation of the president of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity with the Day of the Constitution
Dear compatriots!
On April 8 South-Ossetian people celebrate the day of adopting the main legal document in their life - Constitution of the Republic of South Ossetia. Ten years ago, they brought the Constitution in accordance with the actual of that period and confirmed their adherence to the development and strengthening of South-Ossetian statehood, continuation of democratic reforms.

The Constitution, adopted by national voting, became the foundation of unification of the society, strengthening and development of the institutes of state power and local self-government. Political, legal, economic reforms have been taking place in our country in recent years and are founded on firmness of the regulations of the Fundamental Law of the Republic and constitutional order, on the leadership of the Law and total equality before the Law and absolute observance of legality. Following the fundamental law of the republic, the authoritative structures of South Ossetia are implementing the policy, directed to the development of the economy, further increasing of the level of living standards of the population. And we have a lot of achievements in this sphere. For increasing them it is necessary to treat the Constitution carefully: to honour, respect and follow its standards and values, build the legal state on basis of these principles. After all, our Constitution is meant for our welfare and success.
Dear friends!
Everybody wants to live in rich, prosperous country, where we have a possibility to work and rest in a proper manner, fully realize our own abilities. This corresponds to our Constitution. But nobody, except us, will make South Ossetia more progressive, stronger, and more democratic and free republic. Let’s remember about it and do all for welfare of our native land. Let the present holiday to give us more strength and confidence in achievement of our targets. From the bottom of my heart I congratulate all of you with the Day of Constitution of the republic. I wish you a great deal of peace and welfare, success in your good deeds.

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