The co-chairmen of the Geneva debates have met with the South-Ossetian authorities

Sat, 14/05/2011 - 17:16

The meeting of the co-chairmen of the Geneva debates on safety in Transcaucasia with the Plenipotentiary of the President of the RSO on post conflict settlement Boris Chochiev and the members of the South-Ossetian delegation at the Geneva debates is taking place in Tskhinval. In the course of the meeting Boris Chochiev has informed the guests about the situation in .the regions of South Ossetia bordered on Georgia and has underlined that the whole situation is quiet and one could see the reduction of amount of the border violations. "The dwellers of the South-Ossetian districts, bordering on Georgia, have realized that the border is being protected what has promoted the reduction of the boundary violations. If such events take place, they are discussed at the meetings within the frames of the MPRI", - has noted the Plenipotentiary.

He has also indicated the organizing issues related to the work of the MPRI which are unresolved hitherto, and has noted that these problems will be discussed at the next meeting in Geneva. Chochiev has also pointed out the aggressive statements of the Georgian management which are declared regularly on the eve of all rounds of the Geneva debates. The Plenipotentiary has reminded that president Mikhail Saakashvili has recently made such kind of statement, having speech in one of the Georgian military bases. "He has declared that the Georgian armed forces ought to be ready "to carry out nearly the unreal tasks". Actually, the same words have been said by the president of Georgia on the eve of the august aggression in 2008 at the military base in Gori. We can hear such statements before each meeting which takes place within the framework of .the Geneva debates", - has noted the Plenipotentiary. He has underlined that on this background it is difficult to expect the issuing of the document of non-applying force to be successful. According to the words of the Plenipotentiary the South-Ossetian side is waiting for the new offers related to this issue from the co-chairmen of the Geneva debates."We are cautious of the active cooperation of the regime of Saakashvili with the USA and with the other countries-members of NATO on acquisition of weapon. Unfortunately, there is no any reaction for the side of UN, OSCE and EU, who are the co-moderators of the Geneva debates", - has said Chochiev. In turn a co-chairman of the Geneva debates for the side of the EU Pierre Morel has noted that the work in the Geneva debates not easily but had been advanced."We are convinced that the field for resolving our problems is being enlarged", - has said Morel. He has also made positive assessment on stabilizing the situation on the border of South Ossetia and Georgia. «People have been already adapted to the facts, we have fewer incidents. Some style of actions for stabilizing the situation is being built. This certainly does not mean that everything has been settled, but there is some ground for further advancement", - has noted Morel. Then the meeting lasted in the locked mode. We note that the delegation of the co-chairmen is intending to meet with the representatives of the national minorities of South Ossetia and also with the Deputy Prime Minister Domenty Kulumbegov; the delegation will also see the monuments of history and architecture of the Republic. For tomorrow it is scheduled the trip of the co-chairmen in Leningorskiy region of the Republic, where they will meet with the head of the administration and also with the inhabitants of the region. The co-chairmen are going to stay in South Ossetia for two days- 12 and 13 May. The delegation includes - Pierre Morel (EU), Anti Turunen (UN) and Gedrius Chekuales (OSCE).The next meeting in Geneva has been scheduled for June 7.

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