Measures for attracting investments in the RSO have been discussed at the round table in Tskhinval

Fri, 23/09/2011 - 13:34

The round table on a subject «Formation of a favorable investment climate in the Republic of South Ossetia has taken place in the capital of the Republic of South Ossetia. Prospects of the international economic integration of the Republic of South Ossetia». The round table has taken place within the frames of the first Russian-South Ossetian economic business forum «Republic of South Ossetia: construction of the modern state through the effective economy». The Deputy Minister for Economic Development of the RSO William Dzagoev and the Deputy Director of the Department for Economic Cooperation and Integration with the CIS countries Andrey Tsemakhovich have been presided atthe round table.

The Deputy Minister for Economic Development of South Ossetia Batradz Parastaev, the deputy of the Parliament of the RSO Vadim Tskhovrebov, the Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the RSO in the Russian Federation Dmitry Medoev, the Chairman of the Parliament of the RSO Stanislav Kochiev, heads of the state and private enterprises have also taken part in the forum.At the beginning of the action William Dzagoev has made a speech at the round table.« For today questions connected with the investments, are of great value; without correct organizational process of attraction of investments any upgrade of the country and successful advance are impossible. Creation of the new state of the RSO involves the country in the world economic processes. The modern economy urgesthe young Republic to keep up to date», - he has noted.Then the participants of the round table had indicated the most attractive spheres of economy which should be developed and should involve investors: agriculture, construction, and transport infrastructure, working out of resources ofmineral and fresh water, minerals and wood resources, tourism.Participants of the round table discussed and made offers on working out measures to create a favorable investment climate in South Ossetia.Vadim Tskhovrebov has suggested incorporation and privatization of the state enterprises. «Plants and enterprises in South Ossetia are not supported and are not financed. If these enterprises had been incorporated, at least by their heads, they would have already functioned for a long time», - he has noted.Dmitry Medoev has also presenteda report «South Ossetia - from subsidy to integration». He has made an offer on adoption of the so-called «green economy».The final decision of the round table has been made- preparation of projects with concrete proposals and enclosingthem into the final statement adopted by the participantsof the first Russian-South Ossetian economic business forum «Republic of South Ossetia: construction of the modern state through effective economy».

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