The Delegation of South Ossetia arrived in Geneva to participate in the discussions


An official delegation of the Republic of South Ossetia arrived in the Swiss Confederation to participate in the Geneva international discussions. This has been reported to IA "Res" over the phone from Geneva by the head of the South Ossetian delegation, the Plenipotentiary of the President of South Ossetia on post-conflict settlement Boris Chochiev.
According to Chochiev, discussion of the confidence-building measures, the draft agreement on the nonuse of force by Georgia against South Ossetia and Abkhazia, clarification of the fate of the missing persons and humanitarian questions will be continued at the meeting in Geneva.

"March 28 the information session will be held, as well as the one-sided consultation with the co-chairs of the Geneva international discussions, and with other delegations and March 29 - plenary sessions, - he said. Boris Chochiev also reminded that earlier the delegation of South Ossetia had repeatedly raised the issue of discussing at the information session or plenary meeting the illegitimacy of the term "occupied territory" in relation to South Ossetia and Abkhazia. "Unfortunately, co-moderators that have the same status as other participants, in every way evade the inclusion of this proposal in the agenda of the informational and the plenary sessions," - he has underlined. According to Boris Chochiev, "this is understandable, because the term ''occupied territories'', which they, at the instigation of the Georgian authorities, have been introducing in resolutions and other acts of the international organizations, in no way accords with the international standards and cannot be applied to South Ossetia."
Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of South Ossetia has said that "the co-chairs of the Geneva international discussions on the basis of the policy of double standards, despite our repeated requests are dodging the discussion of this issue, knowing that they are wrong, they have no political and legal grounds and that this is a losing issue for them."
Chochiev has also stressed that at the plenary session the South Ossetian delegation will demand in writing an explanation of the reason, why the co-chairs do not want to discuss this issue.
"At the last two meetings of the MPRI we have raised the issue of reviewing the unjust sentencing of our citizens Kochiev, Zasseev and Valiev to life imprisonment by the Georgian Court in 2006. We will also demand clarification of the fate of the missing citizens of South Ossetia Khachirov, Khugaev and Pliev. These questions are very important for us and we will insist that justice and law have prevailed. These questions will be put in the upcoming Geneva international discussions,"- he concluded. It should be noted that the Geneva talks are attended by representatives of South Ossetia, Russia and Abkhazia, the United States, Georgia, EU, OSCE and UN. The South Ossetian delegation has included - the Foreign Minister of South Ossetia, Murat Dzhioev, Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of President of South Ossetia on post-conflict settlement Merab Chigoev and other officials.

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