Leonid Tibilov has been announced the elected president of South Ossetia


The presidential candidate of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov, after the 100% processing of
protocols of the territorial election committees in the elections of the President of the Republic of South Ossetia has gained 54.12% of votes (15,786 people), and the ombudsman David Sanakoev -42.65% votes (12,439 people),- has been declared by the CEC Chairman Bella Plieva at the CEC Information Center.

"Against all" have voted 0.96% (279 people),"–declared he CEC Chairman.
According to Plieva, the total voter turnout amounted to 71.26% of votes.
She stated that the candidate Tibilov Leonid Kharitonovich had been elected the President of the Republic of South Ossetia. The final protocol on the CEC voting results, in accordance with the law, must be signed within five days. Most likely, it will take place tonight or tomorrow. Thus, the new president's inauguration ceremony may take place on April 19 - 20 - on the tenth day after the announcement and publication of the final protocol. The current presidential re-election was conducted in South Ossetia, as the Supreme Court had recognized the election results, held in November 2011 invalid, due to some violations. Re-election of the president, according to the decision of Parliament, was held on March 25. The winner was not determined in the course of the voting process. Former head of the KGB of the Republic Leonid Tibilov and the Ombudsman David Sanakoev were fighting in the second round of presidential elections held on Sunday.

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