Co-Chairs of the Geneva Talks will arrive in South Ossetia

Mon, 21/01/2013 - 15:39

January 25 South Ossetia is expecting the visit of a delegation of the co-chairs of the Geneva discussions on security in Transcaucasia. This was reported by Presidential Envoy for post-conflict settlement Murat Dzhioev during a meeting of the President of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov with heads of the law enforcement agencies of the Republic. According to him, the delegation will include the co-chairs of the EU, the UN and the OSCE.

According to the authorized representative, during the visit the delegation will meet with members of the Co-Chairs of the Geneva international talks of South Ossetia. They will discuss the agenda of the upcoming round of consultations.
"There will be discussed the preparations for the next round of the Geneva talks and the current security situation at the border of South Ossetia and Georgia. We `ll also raise the issue of gas supply of Leningor district and the fate of our citizens, kept in Georgian prisons,"- said Dzhioev.
It is also scheduled a meeting of the co-chairs with the RSO President.

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