There cannot be a free society without a free press


Flash-poll: Today South Ossetia is marking the Day of the National Media. What this date means for you?

Irina Gagloeva, head of the Media center "IR":
The Day of the National Media is a very important date. 107 years ago, on July 23, was issued the first publication of the newspaper "Iron gazette."

Each of its issues was getting a national treasure; everybody was waiting for it, re-reading it. It was somehow a sacral document. The newspaper was the source of truth that was of interest to all. It is good that we have a national holiday, on this day we can talk about the problems of our journalism, recollect its accomplishments. Another thing that recently a Media Day turned into a pathetic event where we have to praise each other. The journalistic community is one of the worthiest in the world. And our reporters have shown that they love their country. But it seems to me that in recent years one can see some braking, deceleration in the activities of journalists because today journalism is facing some new challenges. Let us hope that this is a temporary phenomenon, and our reporters will again enter into a decisive and constructive form of activity, and again will be heard their voice.
Today, we all hope for honest, objective journalism, which would truthfully tell about all the processes in our Republic, also focusing on the negative processes. Then, accordingly, all problems will be resolved in proper time.
I want to congratulate all the writing fraternity on their professional holiday and wish them success, optimism, activity, structural dynamics, daring, boldness and courage. Only such kind of journalists is able to gride the way forward. God grant our reporters to be capable of griding this way, to defend and protect it.

Ghana Yanovskaya, Press Secretary to the President of South Ossetia:
First of all, on this day I want to emphasize that the work of a journalist is a huge responsibility that must be realized by each of us. It seems to me that journalism, though often called behind its back a "dirty" profession, in fact, is pure and most necessary thing for the masses. As for today, for us, the young generation, which is still trying to improve themselves, it is only one thing to be done- to continue bowing our heads before our journalistic brethren, who have been working for difficult years sparing no efforts. I think that these people are modest and many of the South Ossetian journalists are indeed the worthy people who have fairly deserved respect, who are worthy of honorable titles and fine words. As our elders say, we can proudly tell our grandchildren about them and will always congratulate them on the day of the national media. Today I would like to say about such a concept as a journalistic patriotism - that is when you work for one, two, ten, twenty years for those who have made you a journalist, for your people and for the Republic. All the rest should be the secondary for us.
Congratulations and professional growth!

Kosta Dzugaev, philosopher, Honored Science Worker of South Ossetia:
National media is the attribute of any state, and the more they are relevant to our new-recognized Republic. I consider the date of development of our media January 1991 when in a semi- sieged Tskhinval, where every day rattled shootings and people were killed, with truly Ossetian stubbornness continued publication of the newspaper "South Ossetia" (then called "Soviet Ossetia"). I wonder whether there is someone from that team.
I hope that the state media will be supplemented with the public one- we really need it, especially on the eve of the parliamentary elections.
And I want to wish the media more courage. There must not be topics closed for discussion! Even the most acute and complex problem should be covered, respecting the professional ethics of a journalist. Without a free press there cannot be a free society, it is an axiom.
So good luck to all media professionals, and we will always be grateful to them for the honest work!

Zalina Tskhovrebova, editor of "South Ossetia":
First of all, I want to congratulate all of us on the day of the first Ossetian newspaper, 107 years of which we are marking today. More than a century of existence of the "Iron gazette," is the evidence that our journalism has great experience, great traditions. For all these years, in our media worked a lot of interesting personalities, famous writers, poets, Of course, over the years, the ranks of the Ossetian press widened. Speaking specifically about our newspaper, I am personally proud of the fact that "South Ossetia" is celebrating its 30th anniversary. The newspaper was founded in difficult years, especially when was increased the need for information, when the information was invaluable. The newspapers that were published in our print shop were the only source of information.
I think that today is a holiday not only for journalists and press workers, but for all citizens of Ossetia, which are not indifferent to the processes taking place in our society. Today it is a holiday for the Ossetian Press, our national pride.

Bela Mamieva, a lecturer of the journalism department of the South Ossetian State University:
To date, all of us are facing the challenge to create a literate social institution, as it is the media that has a significant impact on people's mind. That's why it's so important the strategy to develop the national media; the information product must be an integral part of the spiritual life of our society. Consequently, the task of any state is to give every citizen objective and reliable information. Lately, we can state the positive process of information democracy, which is the base for the development of the media in general.

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