South Ossetian Foreign Ministry: Russia is the guarantor of maintaining peace and security in the Republic

Tue, 17/09/2024 - 19:12

South Ossetia remembers very well and highly appreciates ​​Russia's contribution to establishing peace and stability in Transcaucasia, according to the press release of the Republic's Foreign Ministry on the occasion of the 16th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance between the two states.

"The major treaty became the first comprehensive basic, system-forming document of bilateral relations. The foundations for a long-term strategic partnership between our countries in the spheres of politics, economics, energy, military-technical cooperation, science, culture, education, information, healthcare, etc., has been laid in it," the Foreign Ministry has noted.

Over the past period, a solid legal foundation for bilateral cooperation has been created, including the Treaty of Alliance and Integration of March 18, 2015.

"The mechanism of interaction between Russian federal agencies and South Ossetian partners in various formats has been debugged," the Ministry has noted. "Intensive work is underway to improve and unify the legislation of the Republic with the Russian one. Today, more than 130 documents are in effect in almost all areas of relations, allowing for a close and ongoing dialogue in key areas of bilateral cooperation. The document is undoubtedly historic."

The Foreign Ministry has emphasized that thanks to this Treaty, Russia has become a guarantor of maintaining peace and security in South Ossetia, preventing the escalation of tension in the region as a whole.

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