The ban on the passage of vehicles across the state border with Georgia does not infringe upon the interests of the residents of Leningor district - Presidential Envoy to the RSO

Fri, 06/09/2013 - 16:33

The decision of the South Ossetian government to ban on the passage of vehicles through the checkpoint of a simplified crossing of the state border with Georgia in Leningor district(village of Mosabrun ) does not infringe upon the interests of local residents, said the journalists in Leningor the South Ossetian Presidential Envoy for post-conflict settlement Murat Dzhioev .
He reminded that the decision had been adopted in June 2013; it will enter into force on September 18.
The envoy noted that for 17 years Leningor and the surrounding villages had been under the Georgian occupation, and only in August 2008 it was able to restore the sovereignty of South Ossetia in this area.
"Since then, the South Ossetian authorities have been trying to create the same conditions of life for residents of Leningor district, as in other parts of the Republic, " - said Dzhioev .
To date, it is almost completely resolved the issue of road communication between Leningor and Tskhinval.
"The road from Tskhinval to Leningor takes no more than one and a half. For several years Leningor receives electricity from Tskhinval, as well as liquefied natural gas. Georgia has refused to supply Leningor with natural gas, because the Georgian authorities do not want to create the conditions for the residents Leningor, or they rather want to create such severe conditions for the residents to force them to leave this area. Therefore, with the assistance of Russia, we are trying to solve the issue of gas supply," - said Dzhioev.
He has added that given the fact that the residents of Leningor district for decades have been linked to Georgia, South Ossetian authorities have kept the simplified border crossing checkpoint in the village of Mosabrun.
"In accordance with the legislation of South Ossetia, each person, crossing the border has a right to take cargo and goods up to 50 kg. Description of goods that can be taken through the border is prescribed by the law," - said the envoy.
He has stressed that the temporary border crossing does not provide the passage of vehicles.
" But, nevertheless, given the situation in general and the needs of the local population, they were allowed to cross the border by vehicles. July 18, 2013 the government of South Ossetia adopted a resolution, according to which the checkpoint is forbidden to be crossed by car, citizens can cross the border on foot," - said Dzhioev.
He has assured that Leningor and other villages in the district will be connected with the crossing checkpoint in Mosabrun by regular transport service.
"I will not specify when the resolution comes into force, but it will be done after the regular transport service between the villages of the district and Mosabrun is established", - said the envoy.
He has also noted that the government of South Ossetia has established a special commission consisting of representatives of socio- economic agencies, which are designed to provide the residents of the district with all the necessary aid.
September 18 - it's not the end of the world. This is a procedure, which includes restricting passage through the checkpoint, without infringing upon the rights of local residents. They are still able to take goods for themselves and for their family; all the rest will be considered smuggling,"- he said.
Dzhioev has assured that the South Ossetian authorities will do everything possible not to violate the state interests of South Ossetia.

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