Leonid Tibilov: The Treaty of Alliance and Integration between South Ossetia and Russia is of strategic scale and historical significance

Sun, 05/04/2015 - 09:47

In Tskhinval was held a session of the Parliament of South Ossetia, in the course of which was ratified the Treaty of Alliance and Integration between South Ossetia and the Russian Federation.
The meeting was attended by the President of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov, deputy of the State Duma of Russia Kazbek Taisaev, as well as the deputies of all convocations of the South Ossetian Parliament, members of the public.
Assessing the importance of the Treaty for South Ossetia, Leonid Tibilov has noted that the document is of "strategic scale and historical significance."
"I am very pleased to participate in today's meeting of the session of the Parliament of the Republic of South Ossetia when considering the ratification of the Treaty of Alliance and Integration, signed March 18, 2015. Today we will create a legal basis for the countdown to start the practical implementation of the Treaty - the president said. - Assessing the significance of the Treaty for our country, we can say without exaggeration that this document is of strategic scale and historical significance. It fully complies with the norms and principles of the modern international law, aimed at strengthening the alliance and transition to a new level of interstate relations. The Treaty specifies the basic provisions of the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance between the Republic of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation dated September 17, 2008, extending the framework of juridical structure.
The Treaty provides for the formation of a common space of defense and security, concerted foreign policy, the establishment of a joint information and coordination centre of the bodies of internal Affairs, as well as the integration of the customs authorities of the Republic of South Ossetia with the customs authorities of the Russian Federation. "
According to the head of state, the Treaty confirms the further measures implemented by the Russian Federation to promote socio-economic development of our Republic.
"The Treaty provides for a simplified procedure for the citizens of the Republic of South Ossetia to acquire Russian citizenship, as well as the gradual bringing the level of wages of public sector employees and pensions to a level comparable with the level of wages and pensions in the North Caucasus Federal District of the Russian Federation - the president said. - In accordance with the Treaty the Russian Federation will provide assistance to the Republic of South Ossetia in the development of education and science, culture, Ossetian and Russian languages, sports and tourism. "
Speaker of the Parliament of South Ossetia Anatoly Bibilov has also noted the importance of the Treaty.
"Of course, today is a very significant event - said Bibilov. - Our people have been aspiring to it for a long time, to ensure that the achievements and the agreements, recognition, including the period of work of all parliaments, all the presidents of the Republic, will lead to maximum integration with Russian federation. I am convinced that we will reach the goals and objectives voiced by the President of the Republic; the more is the desire and aspiration of the people of South Ossetia. I am convinced that together with the executive branch, we, as soon as possible, will develop the bills, or amendments to laws that are needed to the agreement between South Ossetia and Russia. I am convinced that those agencies engaged in supplementary agreements will make it in time, and if necessary, the specialized committees will render their full support and assistance with the relevant agencies and departments.
I `d like to emphasize again that today is the day that will become the history of the Republic of South Ossetia as the day when has been ratified the necessary, the required document, which will ensure a safety not only for South Ossetia, but also for the entire region of the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia. "
According to the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations and Inter-Parliamentary Relations of the Parliament of South Ossetia Igor Kochiev, April 1, in accordance with Article 15 of the Law of the Republic of South Ossetia "On international treaties of the Republic of South Ossetia," the President of the Republic of South Ossetia submitted to the Parliament for ratification the Treaty of Alliance and Integration, signed in Moscow on March 18, 2015.
"The main areas of alliance and integration are -coordinated foreign policy, creating conditions for South Ossetia to participate in the international arena, the creation of a common space of security and defense, providing further economic development of the Republic, improving the welfare of our citizens. The Treaty is concluded for 25 years with the possibility of automatic renewal for the next 10-year period, "- said Kochiev.
Following the Kochiev`s report for ratification of the Treaty unanimously voted all 34 MPs.
Deputy of the four parliamentary convocations Tarzan Kokoity congratulated the people of South Ossetia on the ratification of the Treaty.
"Today has been ratified a very important document, - Kokoity said. - Thanks to this document will be provided security of our nation, the Republic will be protected, that, in my opinion, is the most important thing. I want to congratulate on this momentous occasion the President of the Republic, the people of South Ossetia, the leadership and members of Parliament, all those who prepared the document and submitted it to the session of the Parliament. "
Deputy of the State Duma of Russia Kazbek Taisaev welcomed the participants and guests of the meeting on behalf of the Chairman and members of the State Duma of Russia, noting the importance of today's event.
"Moscow has always supported unanimously our Ossetia- its northern and southern part - a single Ossetia. I congratulate you on the ratification of the treaty between South Ossetia and Russia; I want to express gratitude to the deputies, who unanimously voted for this document. "
The first president of South Ossetia Ludwig Chibirov also noted the importance of ratification of the treaty between South Ossetia and Russia.
"The Agreement between South Ossetia and the Russian Federation on alliance and integration is an important political document,- said Chibirov. - It more than ever brings nearer the age-old dream of our people to be united. The agreement was signed in the Kremlin by the presidents of Russia and South Ossetia, that can be safely considered as a first and important step towards maximum integration with the Russian Federation, and as a result, with the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania. "
A writer, academician Nafi Dzhusoyty has also noted that the signed treaty is a very important and significant event in the life of the Ossetian people.
It should be noted that the Treaty of Alliance and Integration between the Republic of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation was signed on March 18, 2015 in Moscow.

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