Political Council under the President of South Ossetia voted for holding a referendum on accession to Russia after the presidential election in 2017

Fri, 27/05/2016 - 11:51

Members of the Political Council under the South Ossetian President Leonid Tibilov made a decision to hold a referendum on accessing South Ossetia to the Russian Federation after the presidential election in 2017.
The issue of the date of the referendum was discussed at a meeting of the Political Council, chaired by the President of the Republic Leonid Tibilov.
At the beginning of the meeting the President has noted that this issue is an important milestone in the life of the South Ossetian people.
"This issue is of vital importance for all of us, for the future of our country, - said Tibilov. - As the president with a mandate of trust of the people, at the head of all our policies I put the will and aspiration of the people. I have repeatedly said that reunification with Russia is a centuries-old dream of our people, and all my steps since taking the post of the President of the Republic are aimed at achieving this dream - "Forever with Russia". "
The President has noted that the year 2016 is not simple, because it is the pre- election year.
"In 2017, we will elect the president of our country. But elections always bring some innovation, and then the society is vulnerable - the president said. - And then the political principles can be both positive and negative.
Therefore, I appeal to the leaders of the executive and legislative bodies to work together on the subject in order to continue our work on the implementation of the available programs and to maintain the stability, we achieved since the presidential elections in 2012 ".
During the session the members of the political council discussed the date of holding the referendum on accession of South Ossetia to the Russian Federation, and have come to conclusion that it is appropriate to hold a referendum after the presidential elections in 2017, due to the fact that the referendum topic causes tension in the society on the eve of presidential elections.
According to the leader of the political party "United Ossetia", the Speaker of the Parliament Anatoly Bibilov, the question of holding a referendum to access the Republic of South Ossetia to Russia is of vital importance.
"We all know that the vast majority of citizens of the Republic are for accessing of South Ossetia to Russia, - said Bibilov. - We remember well when the President announced a referendum, practically all political parties supported the idea. This is not the idea of ​​the President, it is not the idea of ​​a political party "United Ossetia",- it is the centuries-old idea of​ our nation. "
Bibilov has noted that before holding the referendum it should be carried out the work with people, members of public organizations and political parties.
Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy of South Ossetia for post-conflict settlement Murat Dzhioev has emphasized that the mechanism of amending the Constitution of the Republic, proposed by Leonid Tibilov, will allow South Ossetia to legally apply to Russia with a request to access to the Russian Federation.
"The idea of holding of a referendum proposed by the President of the Republic, is right, as far as our appeal to Russia will be legally grounded and politically well-timed, - Dzhioev said. - I also support the idea of ​​holding a referendum later. This will give us an opportunity to further discuss in detail the question we will put to a referendum, to formulate it so that it will be really acceptable both for us and for Russia, and it would also be clear for the international community."
The Chairman of the Republican regional branch of the International Public Movement "The Supreme Council of the Ossetians" Robert Gagloev has added that the issue of holding a referendum was discussed at the presidium headed by his department.
"After consideration the issue was raised at a meeting of the International Coordinating Council of the public movement" Supreme Council of the Ossetians", which took place in Vladikavkaz - Gagloev said. - All members of the coordination council composed of 77 people supported the formulation of the President of South Ossetia to hold a referendum. Regarding its date some of the participants of the meeting expressed the opinion that it should be taking into account the situation in which there is today Russia itself. They also considered it appropriate to hold the referendum after the presidential elections. "
Leader of People's Party of South Ossetia, Alexander Pliev also spoke in favor of holding the referendum later.
"Certainly, the idea of ​​reunification with Russia is sacred for us, as well as it was for our ancestors, - Pliev said. - Of course, we have to hold a referendum, but at this stage, I think we are not ready for this step; we should seriously prepare for it and to hold it after the elections. We must very seriously and responsibly approach this fateful step for. "
The leader of the party "Fydybasta" Vyacheslav Gobozov has stressed that referendum is never held in an election year, because instead of the will of the people it reveals the sympathies and antipathies of certain citizens.
The other participants of the meeting, the members of the political council, as well as all the guests have also expressed their opinion to hold the referendum after the presidential elections in 2017.
After discussion, the President put to the vote the question to hold the referendum after the presidential election in 2017: three members of the political council voted against, one abstained, the rest voted for.
Today, following the results of the meeting, Leonid Tibilov and Anatoly Bibilov have made a joint statement to hold the referendum after the presidential elections in 2017.
The Political Council under the President of the Republic of South Ossetia was established by the presidential decree in 2004. It consists of the heads of political parties, social movements, representatives of the government and scientific intelligentsia.

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