KGB on the detention of the Georgian doctor: the attempts to pressure the authorities of South Ossetia are futile

Thu, 21/11/2019 - 16:39

KGB connects the provocation on the border with mass protests in Georgia

The State Security Committee of South Ossetia stated on Thursday that the attempts by the Georgian opposition, its Western curators, and official Tbilisi to gain political points on the Georgian citizen Vazhe Gaprinadashvili, as well as exerting pressure on the Republic’s authorities to improve its internal rating, are futile.

"The information and objective control data at the disposal of the State Security Committee of the Republic of South Ossetia indicates that the fact of violation of the state border of the Republic with Georgia on November 9, 2019, by the Georgian citizen Gaprindashvili Vazha Dzhondoevich, (born July 26, 1961), was well prepared and pre-planned. Vazha Gaprindashvili was on a business trip in early November, during which he visited the Baltic countries, including Estonia. On November 4, V. Gaprindashvili returned to Tbilisi, where from November 5 to November 8 he received his patients in the clinic "Mediclab-Djerdjia». On November 6, V. Gaprindashvili’s account with Bank of Georgia received a money transfer in the amount of 21,000 GEL (525 thousand rubles) as part of the "Solo" premium package. On November 8, V. Gaprindashvili, during several conversations with his clients, said that he would not be in Tbilisi on Saturday and Sunday and that he would only resume receiving patients on Monday, the 11th, "the KGB reported to the media.

The committee has presented a printout of Gaprindashvili’s conversation:

"15:27, 11/08/2019 Incoming call from the subscriber +995593363048.

Translation and listing of the conversation.

Vazha: Hello Auto

Auto: Hello Mr. Vaja

Vazha: Auto, when will the time be for us?

Auto: What about next week, doubt it?

Vazha: Can we meet on Saturday?

Auto: On Saturday I have to go to Saguramo. I got a call from my work, and I have to go to Saguramo, I’ll go and clarify

Vaja: Call me for sure. Because Gena is also coming, going to do it, and on Sunday I will not be in Tbilisi, that's why I am calling you.

Auto: Well, I'll find out in the morning, they put air conditioners at the work, and I’ll definitely call you.

Vaja: Alright, alright

On the background is heard inaudible woman talking. "

The second conversation:

"15:36, 08/08/2019 Incoming call from subscriber +995568760035

They speak English. Translation and printout of the conversation.

Vazha: Ale.

Woman: Hello, doctor! How are you?

Vazha: Ale.

Woman: Ale. Hello, Doctor!

Vazha: Hello! How are you?

Woman: Alright! Will you work tomorrow?

Vaja: No, I’m not working tomorrow.

Woman: And today?

Vaja: Today I have finished

Woman: Have you finished?

Vaja: Yes, today have I finished. What's the problem?

Woman: I'm (inaudible), I need surgery.

Vaja: No, today I have finished. Maybe on Monday? Come on Monday, alright?

Woman: Good

November 9 this year, at about 10:00 Tbilisi time, V. Gaprindashvili met in Tbilisi near the Wendy restaurant with his colleague Irakli Kartozia, after which they together take a taxi towards the village of Sakorintlo, the Caspian municipality.

In the period from 11.00 to 11:40 in Tbilisi, V. Gaprindashvili crossesd the state border of South Ossetia and Georgia, in the direction of the South Ossetian village of Monaster, Leningor district, about which he specifically informed I.Kartosia at 11.40 during the next conversation. "

The third conversation:

"11:40, 09.11.2019 outgoing to subscriber "Irakli Resident kartozia" phone number +995599977772

Translation and printout of the conversation.

V. Gaprindashvili is taking quick steps and talking on the phone.

Vazha: I'm already in the village.

: Irakli: Are you already there? Inaudible: Will we go? (or will I go?)

Vazha: Yes, yes, I am already in the village.

Irakli: Is everything calm there?

Vaja: Yes, so far, no one is paying attention to me. So, there are people in the village, now I’ll go to the center, find a cafe and drink coffee.

Irakli: Yes, well, keep in touch.

On the background is heard heavy breathing of V. Gaprindashvili. "

The KGB has noted that immediately after this V. Gaprindashvili was detained by the border guards.

“During the interrogation, V. Gaprindashvili explained that he had crossed the border on purpose, because he wanted to “visit the church in the village of Monaster,” but he could not clearly tell about his religious views and beliefs. Also, V. Gaprindashvili refused to answer the questions about his party affiliation, having declared that he was a supporter of Georgia’s early accession to NATO and considered his violation of the state border of South Ossetia and Georgia to be “the legal exercise of the right of a Georgian citizen to free movement,” He considers South Ossetia the “Georgian the territory occupied by Russia, "and Russia is the main enemy of the Georgian state. Moreover, according to V. Gaprindashvili, he, as a citizen of Georgia, reserves the right to criticize any political leadership of Georgia and legally demand changes in certain regulations," the statement reads

The intelligence service has noted that, given these facts, as well as the hysteria unfolding in Georgian and Western media with the demand for the immediate release of V. Gaprindashvili, "the Committee directly connects the provocation with the mass protests in Georgia."

The Committee has state that the attempts by the Georgian opposition, its Western curators, and official Tbilisi to gain political points on V. Gaprinadashvili, as well as exerting pressure on the authorities of South Ossetia to improve their internal rating, are futile.

The first conversation


The second conversation


The third conversation


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