Humanitarian aid is provided to the wounded in South Ossetia

Tue, 12/05/2020 - 18:46

Ministry of Health and Social Development of South Ossetia, by order of President Anatoly Bibilov, provided the Fund with humanitarian aid in the form of food for the wounded who became disabled during the fighting in South Ossetia from 1989 to 2008.,” said Madina Plieva, head of the Fund.

According to her, they have already begun to distribute it among the defenders. “We are very grateful to the leadership of the Republic represented by President Anatoly Bibilov, the Ministry of Health, the Presidential Executive Office for their help and continued support in solving pressing problems. Humanitarian aid is even more valuable in the face of a difficult global situation due to the pandemic,” said Plieva.

First of all, the fund intends to help children with severe injuries, and after the rest of the category. She added that any support and even simple attention is very important for the foundation guys, and every time they say thanks, all to those who remember them.

Madina Plieva has emphasized that the first Deputy head of the Presidential Executive Office Alan Dzhussoev and Deputy head of the Health Ministry Naira Siukaeva reacted to the issue of distributing aid very responsibly and objectively.

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