Date: 29 years since the adoption of the Act of Declaration of Independence of South Ossetia

Sat, 29/05/2021 - 20:22

The Independence Act adopted on May 29, 1992 by the deputies of the first convocation of the Supreme Soviet of our country was an important step on the thorny path of legal registration of the statehood of South Ossetia, proclaiming the creation of an independent state, declaring its territory indivisible, where only the Constitution and laws of the Republic of South Ossetia are in force. Thus, a new state appeared on the world space.

The document laid a solid legal basis for state building, marked the realization by the South Ossetians of their right to self-determination, was a practical manifestation of the democratic norm of expression of the will of the people. The adoption of this document was preceded by a referendum: on January 19, 1992, a referendum on two issues: do you agree that the Republic of South Ossetia should be independent? Do you agree with the decision of the Supreme Council of the independent Republic of South Ossetia of September 20, 1991 on reunification with Russia? More than 98 % answered " yes " to both questions.

The civic courage, high patriotism and political insight shown in 1992 allowed the members of the deputy corps of the first convocation to reconcile the future fate of their people, to determine the vector that the Republic has been following with confidence for a quarter of a century. On the basis of the Act of Declaration of Independence of the Republic of South Ossetia, all state attributes were adopted, the necessary institutions of power were formed, and it acquired the real outlines of a modern democratic state.

Today, the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of South Ossetia, its state and national security are reliably protected by the Armed Forces of the RSO and the Russian Federation, which recognized our statehood in August 2008. With the help of Russia, people of South Ossetia defended their freedom and independence, and today they stand on the path of development and strengthening of the statehood.

May 29 in the Republic is a public holiday and is a day off.


Based on the mortal danger that hung over the Republic of South Ossetia in connection with the atrocities that brought its people and culture to the brink of extinction, the genocide of the Ossetians, with the cruelty and treachery carried out by the Republic of Georgia during the collapse of the USSR from 1989-1992,

- based on the right to self-determination provided for by the UN Status and other international legal documents,

- taking into account the results of the elections to the Supreme Council of the Republic of South Ossetia on December 9, 1990 and the will of the people, expressed at the referendum on January 19, 1992,

- implementing the Declaration on State Sovereignty of the Republic of South Ossetia, the Supreme Council solemnly



and the creation of the independent state of South Ossetia.

The territory of the Republic of South Ossetia is indivisible and from now on, only the Constitution and laws of the Republic of South Ossetia are in force on the territory of South Ossetia.

This act comes into effect from the moment of its approval.

Supreme Council of the Republic of South Ossetia,

May 29, 1992

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