In December, the state border of South Ossetia was violated by 55 people

Fri, 14/01/2022 - 09:40

In December 2021, 55 violators of the law in the border area were detained at various sections of the state border of South Ossetia, the press service of the KGB of the republic reports on Thursday.

"Of them: 33 are violators of the regime of the state border, 22 - of the border regime," the agency clarifies. The Border Service of the State Security Committee conducted investigations on each fact of violation of legal regimes.

"As a result of procedural activities in relation to violators of the existing administrative and legal regimes at the state border, administrative measures were applied with explanatory work, as a result of which: 25 people were fined, seven people were subjected to administrative expulsion from the Republic of South Ossetia without penalties under Article 14 of the Law" On the State Border of the Republic of South Ossetia, seven violators have been warned, proceedings are underway against ten people on administrative offenses, and criminal cases have been initiated against six people," the press service notes.

The KGB Border Service warns of administrative and criminal liability provided for by the legislation of the Republic of South Ossetia for committing offenses in the field of state border protection.

Also, the border guards remind citizens and guests of the Republic who are planning their trips to places of rest, as well as to wedding and memorial events in settlements located in the border zone of the Republic of South Ossetia, of the need to carry identification documents (passport, service certificate, birth certificate for minors), and for foreign citizens - also passes to the border zone.

Permits and passes are issued at the Border Guard Service of the KGB of the Republic of South Ossetia at the following addresses:
- Tskhinval, Khetagurov street, building 1, tel. 45-43-43;
- n.p. Dzau, Dachnaya street, house 17, tel. 8-929-806-40-94;
- n.p. Znaur, Lenin street, house 26, tel. 8-929-810-46-87.

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