All anti-COVID restrictions have been lifted in South Ossetia

Sat, 05/03/2022 - 13:55

By the decision of the operational headquarters for combating the coronavirus infection COVID-19, it was decided to allow mass cultural, solemn, festive, sports, entertainment events to be held from March 7, and public catering facilities to hold festive and solemn events. This was reported by the press service of the government.

This decision was made at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers in connection with the reduction of the risks of the spread of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in the territory of the Republic and in accordance with Article 30 of the law of June 30, 2010 "On sanitary and epidemiological welfare".

Previously, restrictions were lifted on the functioning of: secondary general education, preschool institutions and children's institutions of additional education; children's entertainment centers, children's cafes, attractions, computer clubs; objects of physical culture and sports, incl. gyms, swimming pools, sports sections.

According to the press service of the government, the restrictions have been lifted until the next decision of the operational headquarters.

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