The law on ratification of the Agreement between Russia and South Ossetia on dual citizenship entered into force on June 8

Thu, 09/06/2022 - 11:18

Citizens of the Russian Federation and South Ossetia will be able to acquire second citizenship on a reciprocal basis without renouncing their passport. The corresponding law on the ratification of the agreement between Russia and South Ossetia on the settlement of issues of dual citizenship came into force on June 8, The Parliamentary newspaper writes about it.

The Agreement was signed in Tskhinval on September 20, 2021. The document establishes that citizens of one party can acquire citizenship of the other party, without renouncing their citizenship of the Russian Federation or South Ossetia,

Any capable citizen of the Republic over the age of 18 can apply for citizenship of the Russian Federation in a simplified manner. Children under 14 will receive the same citizenship as their parents. Until the child reaches the age of 18, parents will be able to choose their citizenship on the basis of a written application.

Persons with dual citizenship undergo military service where they live permanently at the time of conscription. Under the Agreement, those who are citizens of the Russian Federation and South Ossetia are provided with the rights to social security, education, medical care in accordance with the legislation of the Party in whose territory they permanently reside. At the same time, any Party has the right to grant rights and benefits to such persons, even if they reside in the territory of the other Party.

In accordance with the document, Russia and South Ossetia, also provide each other upon request with the information on the acquisition by persons with dual citizenship of the citizenship of a third state. The Agreement comes into force from the date of exchange of instruments of ratification and is valid for 5 years. Then it will be automatically extended for the same period until one of the parties notifies the other on in writing that it wants to terminate it. This must be done no later than six months before the expiration of the next document validity period.

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