A Garland of Memory and Glory was laid at the Memorial to the Defenders of the Fatherland in Tskhinval

Thu, 23/11/2023 - 12:29

In Tskhinval, on the Day of Courage and National Unity, a solemn ceremony was held to lay the Garland of Memory and Glory at the Memorial Complex to the Fallen Defenders of the Republic.

The ceremony was attended by the leadership of the Republic led by President Alan Gagloev, members of Parliament led by Chairman Alan Alborov, Defense Minister Marat Pavlov, employees of the ministries and departments, as well as the public.

On this day in 1989, at the entrance to Tskhinval, at the foot of the Pris Upland, a group of young Tskhinval residents, showing heroism, stood holding hands in front of a crowd of thousands of the Georgian informals who were trying to get into Tskhinval to hold a “peaceful rally.”

The goal of the Georgian nationalists was to suppress the self-awareness of the people of South Ossetia and deprive them of all rights in their historical homeland. However, the Tskhinval guys managed to stop the enemy.

In honor of their feat, November 23 has become known as the Day of Courage and National Unity, and was included in the calendar of holidays and weekends.

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