South Ossetia will attend the Russian-Abkhaz exercises

Fri, 09/02/2024 - 18:48

The delegation of Ministry of Internal Affairs of South Ossetia will visit the Interdepartmental Russian-Abkhaz tactical exercises.
As TASS reports with reference to the chief adviser to Minister of Internal Affairs of Abkhazia Inal Marshania, the exercises will take place on February 10 in Abkhazia on the territory of the Ritsinsky relict national park.
“The joint Russian-Abkhaz tactical exercises will be held on February 10 in the area of the state dacha on the territory of the Ritsinsky Park. These are interdepartmental exercises [of the security forces of Abkhazia] with the involvement of forces and means of the Russian Federation, Minister of Internal Affairs of South Ossetia Alan Guchmazov is coming as a guest,” Marshania said. According to him, for the Russian part, representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Russian Guard and the FSB will take part in the exercises, and for the Abkhaz part - the units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Security Service, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the State Security Service.

“The exercises will be held in two stages, the first is anti-terrorism, the second is rescue, where the main role is given to Ministry of Emergency Situations of Abkhazia,” Marshania said. “We are conducting all this on the eve of the World Youth Festival on the federal territory of Sirius [from March 1 to March 7]. within the framework of the Russian-Abkhaz interstate obligations and in order to ensure additional anti-terrorist protection measures on the territory of Abkhazia, President Aslan Bzhania instructed the law enforcement agencies and special services of the republic to switch to the enhanced service regime. Therefore, we are strengthening security measures, and these exercises are aimed precisely at practicing interdepartmental interaction" .

As Abkhazia's Minister of Emergency Situations, Lev Kvitsinia, told the TASS, equipment - KamAZ trucks, snowmobiles, a boat, off-road vehicles, an ambulance, and a rescue vehicle - have already been sent to the exercise site. “This is all the equipment necessary to perform tasks in mountain conditions, in conditions of avalanche danger. Divers, rock climbers, a mountain rescue unit, medical and canine services will participate in the exercises,” the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations said.

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