Practice and Prospects: South Ossetia is participating in the International Youth Festival "Manzherok" in Altai

Tue, 20/08/2024 - 19:25

South Ossetia is taking part in the international youth festival "Manzherok", which started in the Altai Republic and brought together representatives from 15 countries.

The participants of the large-scale event were welcomed by the State Duma deputy Roman Ptitsyn on behalf of the acting head of Altai Andrei Turchak.

He has emphasized that the festival program is rich; here the youth will acquire both new knowledge and many new friends.

"The first festival was held in 1966 among the Soviet and Mongolian youth. After 55 years, we decided to resume this festival, and now it is being held for the fourth year, and for the third time - in the international format. The program is rich; you will gain a lot of new knowledge. But in Altai there is a saying - "A man is rich in man", so I wish you to find new acquaintances, find new friends and get a lot of positive emotions from the nature and people of Altai in these few days," Ptitsyn said.

The participants were also greeted by the General Director of the Eurasian Cooperation and Integration Foundation Nikolai Zhuravlev. He has noted that the number of festival participants is growing year after year.

"Welcome to Altai, especially, the international participants - you are welcome guests. In the first year of the festival, we gathered the public, young political leaders, in the second year - young diplomats, and now we have gathered representatives of the media industry: journalists, bloggers, and content creators. We consider it very important to share with you what Eurasia is and how we see integration projects in the Eurasian, vast space, the processes that allow citizens of your countries to live better," Zhuravlev has emphasized.

The opening ceremony also featured a screening of the documentary "Eurasia. The ABC of General History".

The Forum participants will have a very diverse program. Over the course of several days, they will participate in panel discussions on the topics “Eurasia is a space uniting people, ideas, and economics,” “The EAEU space: mutual benefit and development for all participants,” and in various competitions.

A media tour “Unlocking the tourism potential of Gorny Altai: practice and prospects” will also be organized for the young people.

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