The recognition of South Ossetia by Russia was the highest manifestation of friendly relations between the two countries - Murat Dzhioev

Wed, 21/08/2024 - 16:35

The recognition of South Ossetia by the Russian Federation on August 26, 2008 was the act of the greatest justice towards our people,” Murat Dzhioev, a deputy of the first convocation of Parliament, former head of the Republic’s Foreign Ministry, Candidate of History, has noted in a commentary to IA “Res” on the eve of the significant date.

According to him, Russia, by recognizing the independence of South Ossetia, thereby confirmed the right of the people of the Republic to independent sovereign development.

“This year marks the 250th anniversary of Ossetia’s voluntary entry into Russia. Over all these years, Ossetians have shown themselves to be patriots of the Russian Federation, and the recognition of South Ossetia’s independence in 2008 was the confirmation that Russia values ​​the devotion, resilience and desire of its people for independence and friendly relations with the Russian Federation,” Dzhioev said.

He has noted that after Georgia was forced to peace in August 2008, it was obvious that only the independence of South Ossetia could protect the people of the Republic from the continuation of permanent aggression by Georgia.

“And Russia took this very important, responsible step to recognize South Ossetia,” Murat Dzhioev has noted. - At the same time, this was a confirmation of the correctness of the path of development of the Republic, starting from 1989, when centrifugal forces began to operate in the country; South Ossetia was consistently taking steps to strengthen its status as part of a single union state while the Soviet Union existed. And after its collapse, all steps of the Republic were taken in accordance with international law.”

Dzhioev has clarified that it was emphasized that South Ossetia wants to be a sovereign state among other countries of the world.

“And the Russian Federation, of course, has seen over all these years that South Ossetia is developing in the right direction, striving for rapprochement with the Russian Federation,” Dzhioev said. “Since South Ossetia is part of a single Ossetia, the other part was and is part of Russia, so this step - recognition of the independence of the Republic - was absolutely correct and consistent with historical and political realities.”

The Candidate of History has noted that after the recognition of the Republic in August 2008, the steps were soon followed to establish the closest friendly relations between our states.

“On September 9, 2008, official diplomatic relations were established through the exchange of notes between Russia and South Ossetia. And on September 17 of the same year, the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance between our countries was signed,” Dzhioev has clarified. - That is, thereby laying the political and legal foundation for the further friendly development of our two states. And since then, the closest relations have been established with the Russian Federation, fully complying with international law, and a legal framework has been drawn up.”

Murat Dzhioev has emphasized that South Ossetia has been receiving support from the Russian Federation in all respects, both in economic and political development.

“We are developing the closest relations at all levels, including at the human level, and South Ossetia, or more precisely, the Ossetians, once again confirm their commitment to rapprochement with the Russian Federation, emphasizing that the Republic is part of the Russian world,” he said.

The former head of the Foreign Ministry noted that “today, when a special military operation is being carried out, thousands of young people from Ossetia, through their participation in the special operation, confirm their dedication to the common cause, the defense of our common Fatherland.”

“This, in my opinion, is the highest manifestation of friendly relations between Russia and Ossetia, and South Ossetia is part of the united Ossetia,” Dzhioev has added.

He drew attention to the fact that the recognition of the Republic of South Ossetia of the Russian Federation opened the way for recognition of the state by other countries.

“Other countries followed Russia’s example, and today several states, the UN members, have recognized South Ossetia and are building friendly relations with us, this is also very important for strengthening international positions,” Dzhioev has noted.

The Candidate of History has emphasized that recognition of the Republic by Russia is a very important historical and political step for the people of South Ossetia.

“This was a great holiday for us, on which I congratulate our people; we will not get tired of repeating the words spoken in 2008: “Thank you, Russia,” Dzhioev has concluded.

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