The heads of friendly republics congratulated the President and people of South Ossetia on Republic Day

Fri, 20/09/2024 - 17:01

President and Vice President of Nicaragua Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo congratulated the head of South Ossetia Alan Gagloev on the Republic Day.

The congratulatory address has noted that on this historic and memorable day – the day of the adoption of the Declaration of Sovereignty of the South Ossetian Soviet Democratic Republic – Nicaragua once again confirms its will to further strengthen the bonds of friendship, solidarity and cooperation that unite the peoples and governments of the two republics.

Congratulatory telegrams to Alan Gagloev were also received from President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, the Head of the Republic of Dagestan Sergey Melikov, the Head of the Kabardino-Balkaria Republic Kazbek Kokov, the Head of the Karachay-Cherkessia Republic Rashid Temrezov, and President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic Vadim Krasnoselsky.

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