02/07/2007 - 09:30
As the correspondent of the agency «Res " have been informed at the press-service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of RSO, in the course of two hours the Georgian side subjects to sniper shelling the multi-storied apartment house, located in the northern part of the town. The kinsfolk of Radik Tuaev, also killed yesterday from a sniper bullet, are deprived of an opportunity to bid farewell to the perished.
02/07/2007 - 09:28
As a result of shelling of Tskhinval and the ossetian villages Kvernet and Кusret the inhabitants of the capital of RSO Juriy Majsuradze and Аsiat Byazrova are wounded. At present the wounded are in the Republican somatic hospital. Their condition is estimated by doctors as grave. Also as a result of direct hit from a mortar the apartment house in Kutuzov Street is destroyed.
02/07/2007 - 09:27
The Georgian side fires the residential areas of the capital of RSO Tskhinval in the northern part of the town. The bombardment is conducted from mortars, grenade cup discharges and the small arms from the direction of the Georgian village Kheiti.
02/07/2007 - 09:26
The co-chairman of the north-ossetian part of JCC Murat Тkhostov has sent a letter to the co-chairmen of JCC from the georgian, the south-ossetian and the Russian parties Merab Antadze, Boris Chochiev and Juriy Popov. Copies of the letter are sent to the Head of the Mission of OSCE in Georgia Roy Riv and the Chief negotiator of the European Commission in Georgia and Armenia Payer Eklund.
In the letter in particular it is spoken:
«The North-Ossetian part of JCC with anxiety watches...
02/07/2007 - 09:25
On June, 27th, 2007 a monitoring with the aim of checking of the information on conducting engineering works in the area of the settlement Prisi had been held by the group of military observers from the three parties and the representatives of the Mission of OSCE. The correspondent of «Res» was informed about it by the assistant of the commander of JPKF on work with the mass-media in the zone of the georgian-ossetian conflict, the lieutenant colonel Juriy Vereshchak.
In the course of...
02/07/2007 - 09:24
The Georgian armed formations have shelled from the small arms the temporary post of the peace-making forces from the Russian Federation, located near the ossetian village Khetagurovo. The correspondent of «Res» has been informed about it at the press-service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of RSO.
As it is known, the Georgian side, despite the agreement, has moved to the border with the ossetian village Khetagurovo nearby 800 persons in civilian clothes that have started to pour...
02/07/2007 - 09:23
As the correspondent of the agency «Res " has been informed at the press-service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of RSO, today at 14:00pm the ossetian village Kvernet has been shelled from the direction of the georgian-populated village Tamarasheni. The shelling was conducted from mortars and grenade cup discharges. As a result of the shelling two dwelling houses are destroyed. Nothing is informed about victims.
02/07/2007 - 09:22
The Georgian side has shown unrestraint and on June, 27th, 2007 in the area of the settlement Avnevi an attempt of renewal of construction of the road in the district of location of the temporary post of the Peace-making forces from the Russian Federation has been unilaterally undertaken. The staff of the post has temporarily stopped these works. The correspondent of «Res» was informed about it by the assistant of the commander of JPKF in the zone of the georgian-ossetian conflict on work...
01/07/2007 - 17:28
«Мы, молодежные организации, как и весь гражданский сектор Южной Осетии, вновь обращаемся ко всем людям доброй воли, ко всем, кто исповедует демократические ценности, услышать наш голос.
17 лет назад 23 ноября 1989 года, правительство Грузии начало необъявленную войну против народа Южной Осетии. Осетинский народ и сегодня подвергается политической, экономической, гуманитарной, информационной блокадам. Детство многих из нас прошло под свист пуль и взрывы снарядов. Наши родители погибали...
01/07/2007 - 17:19
Сегодня в Цхинвале прошли похороны убитого грузинским снайпером 19-летнего Родиона Туаева. 28 июня находясь во дворе своего дома, Родион был смертельно ранен выстрелом снайпера со стороны грузинского села Хеити. Не приходя в сознание, он скончался на следующий день в больнице.
На театральной площади состоялся траурный митинг, в котором приняли участие более тысячи человек. Среди них и те, кто не смог за эти дни прийти и выразить соболезнования семье погибшего, так как северная окраина...