Инга Чехоева

Tskhinval will host an exhibition dedicated to the Mine Safety

28/03/2013 - 13:20

April 1 in Tskhinval the Mission of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in South Ossetia will host the exhibition dedicated to the International Day of Mine Threat Awareness and Assistance in Mine Clearing, which is celebrated on April 4.

Defenders of South Ossetia were presented the state decorations

23/03/2013 - 14:35

A ceremony of presenting the state decorations to the military personnel of the Defence Ministry and other security agencies of South Ossetia, as well as to the defenders of the Republic, injured or disabled while defending South Ossetia in 1989 – 2008, has been held in Tskhinval.

Housing legislation in South Ossetia will be improved

01/03/2013 - 11:35

Russian representatives of the Interagency Working Group together with members of the South Ossetian government discussed the issues for improving the legislation of the Republic. The meeting was attended by Vice-Premier Alla Dzhioeva, Presidential Adviser on Social Affairs Rodion Siukaev, Finance Minister Aza Khabalova, Health Minister Grigory Kulidzhanov, Justice Minister Murat Vaneev and representatives of other ministries and agencies.

Banner of the RSO Military Forces was handed over to the Ministry of Defense of South Ossetia

21/02/2013 - 17:02

Today at the central square of Tskhinval has been held a solemn ceremony to hand over the Banner of the Armed Forces of the Republic of South Ossetia to the Ministry of Defence of the Republic. The ceremony was attended by the President of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov, supreme commanders and the staff of the South Ossetian Defense Ministry, members of the government and the Parliament, guests and residents of the Republic.
The ceremony began with trooping the Colour of the Armed Forces to the area where the president presented it to the Defense Minister Valery Yakhnovets.

Memorable events dedicated to the Afghan war veterans have been held in South Ossetia

15/02/2013 - 18:27

Memorable events in celebration of the anniversary of the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan have been arranged in Tskhinval:solemn laying of flowers and wreaths at the Memorial to the Afghan soldiers in the northern part of the town (district of Bam) and at the memorial cemetery chapel in the yard of the school № 5. The ceremony was attended by the leadership of South Ossetia headed by President Leonid Tibilov, Speaker of the Parliament Stanislav Kochiev, representatives of the Russian FSS Border Control Agency, the Fourth Military Base of the RF Defense Ministry, members of the Afghan War Veterans Union, relatives of the fallen Afghans, teachers and pupils of the boarding school in Tskhinval.

Tamerlane Tadtaev. Not broken down by the enemy, but crushed by life

04/02/2013 - 21:57

Patriotism - it is not an explosion of emotions, but calm and strong commitment that lasts throughout a person's life.
Robert Louis Stevenson.

The nineties ... South Ossetia ... War ... Before my eyes are the television scenes very similar to the footage of the siege of Stalingrad - the same deserted streets, multi-meter bread lines and empty sockets of flats.

The days of the Ossetian culture will be held in Europe

25/01/2013 - 12:53

International non-profit association «Renaissance Saendidzaen» (Belgium) plans to hold the Ossetian Culture Days in Europe from May 27 to June 16, 2013. As reported to IA "Res" by the project member, a well- known South Ossetian opera singer Amaga Gotti (Irina Gotoeva), the event will be held in Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels and Budapest.
According to her, assistance in organizing the event is provided by the Russian Centre of Science and Culture in Brussels, the International Association of the Ossetian society "Renaissance" and the Russian Embassy in Belgium.
"Support in holding the Days of the Ossetian culture is also provided by a Prime Minister of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania Sergey Takoev and Minister for Foreign Affairs of South Ossetia David Sanakoev" - said Gotoeva.
She has added that within the framework of the Culture Days will be arranged an open-air exhibition of the European and Ossetian artists in the city of Monmedi.

Madina Plieva. The fate determined by war

21/01/2013 - 11:33

You think you've seen the worst in your life, the one thing that unites all of your nightmares in naked terror that exists in reality, and you find comfort in one thing - nothing worse will happen. And if it happens, your mind will not bear it and you `ll never know about it. But the worst happens, your mind copes with it, and you continue to live.
Stephen King

War is disgusting for its brutality, ruthlessness and senselessness, destroyed people's lives, huge grief.

The State Song and Dance Ensemble "Simd" will perform in Nicaragua

16/01/2013 - 12:16

The State Song and Dance Ensemble of the Republic of South Ossetia "Simd" is preparing a program for performance in the Republic of Nicaragua.
This has been said IA "Res" by Director of the State Ensemble Nariman Kalaev.
According to him, the trip of "Simd" to Nicaragua is scheduled for the second half of February, where it will present several national dances.

The Christmas Day is being celebrated in South Ossetia

07/01/2013 - 18:39

Orthodox Christians in South Ossetia, along with the world Orthodox are celebrating the Christmas Day. The night before the Primate of the Alanian - Tskhinval Eparchy, His Grace Bishop Ambrose Mefonsky – Alanic, chanted the Christmas liturgy at the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Tskhinval. A festive liturgy was attended by South Ossetian President Leonid Tibilov. The Orthodox holiday was also marked by the cross procession on the streets adjacent to the temple.
