October 16, 2013 a copy of the Shroud of Turin will arrive in Tskhinval. The event is organized by the Public Fund "Revival of Orthodoxy in South Ossetia" with the assistance of the Missionary Department of Vladikavkaz and the Alanian Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, said IA "Res" the Commissioner for Religious Affairs under the President of the Republic of South Ossetia Sonia Khubaeva.
According to her, the residents of South Ossetia will be given a rare opportunity to see and touch one of the copies consecrated on the original.
"The Shrine was brought to North Ossetia, but not everyone in South Ossetia could afford to travel to Vladikavkaz, therefore, every Orthodox in Tskhinval will be able to worship the shrine," - said Khubaeva.
The Holy Shroud will be exhibited on October 16 - 17.
"Access to the shrine will be available from 12:00 to 20:00. October 17 at 09:00 in front of the shrine will be served a Divine Liturgy, "-said the official.
During the event, it will be shown a film that tells about the research conducted around the Shroud.
"The belief that Jesus Christ as the God-man existed and sacrificed himself is shown in this film. For the Orthodox, it is a good material to strengthen their faith. The faith that was traditional for the Ossetians should be strengthened in our land, "- said Sonia Khubaeva.
For several centuries in the Cathedral of the Italian city of Turin is kept large linen cloth, on its yellowish- white background are blurry brown spots. From a distance one can see clear outlines of a human figure and a man's face with a beard and long hair. Tradition says that this is the Shroud of Jesus Christ. It burned three times and miraculously survived. In the middle ages it was repeatedly boiled in oil, washed to clean the soot and for being convinced of its holiness, but the image remained unimpaired.
In 1889, the Shroud was first photographed. And what a surprise it was for the photographer Secondo Pia, when on the glass of the negative was developed a striking image of Christ after the crucifixion removed from the cross. Amazing face, full of peace and transcendent greatness, though with signs of severe suffering: a high forehead with visible trickles of blood, on his hands and feet marks of the nails; bruises on his body.
Since that time has started the research phase of the study of the Shroud. It was subjected to radiocarbon analysis; experts from around the world have participated in its studying. The shroud has truly become for thousands of modern scientists as the "fifth gospel," the gospel of suffering and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But they all agree on one thing - the Shroud is authentic and the picture on it is not the work of man.
The Shroud shows not only the crucifixion of Jesus, but also His resurrection. In a sealed cave he had just a shroud, so only it witnessed the resurrection of the Lord.
In the Jubilee years (every 25 years) in the Turin Cathedral of St. John the Baptist the Shroud for several days is available for public worship (the rest of time it is kept in a special chapel inside the cathedral in an armored ark). In 2000, the Jubilee of the birth of Christ was made a limited number of copies of the Holy Shroud, consecrated on the original.