Archive - 10/7/2015


Fri, 10/07/2015 - 10:40

In Tskhinval was held a meeting of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Inter-parliamentary Relations of the Parliament of South Ossetia

In Tskhinval was held a meeting of the Parliamentary Committee for Foreign Affairs of South Ossetia and Inter-parliamentary Relations.
As the news agency "Res" has been informed by the information-analytical department of the Parliament of the Republic of South Ossetia, the meeting was chaired by the Committee Chairman Igor Kochiev.

There were two basic questions on the agenda:
The draft Agreement on Cooperation between the Parliament of South Ossetia and the People's Assembly- the Parliament of the Republic of Abkhazia;
To set up a permanent Inter-Parliamentary Committee on Cooperation between the Parliament of South Ossetia and the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

According to Igor Kochiev, between South Ossetia and Abkhazia there are historically established friendly relations in many spheres, including in the sphere of inter-parliamentary activities. After the signing of the agreement inter-parliamentary relations between the two countries will come to a new level and become more systematic.

MP Alexander Pliev has stressed the need for the agreement to establish further cooperation between the parliaments of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
The deputy Olesya Kochieva has noted that the agreement should be of specific nature and cooperation between the legislators of the two republics should be fruitful, including through the regular exchange of experience in legislative work.

Following the discussion, the Committee members unanimously supported the decision to submit the draft agreement to the Presidium of Parliament.
As regards the second question on the agenda, Igor Kochiev has noted that in 2013 between the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the Parliament of South Ossetia was signed a cooperation agreement. To date, there is a question on the formation of a permanent commission for cooperation between the legislative bodies of the two countries for closer cooperation.

During the meeting it was proposed to introduce into the commission the following deputies - Igor Kochiev, Olesya Kochieva, Amiran Dyakonov, Dmitry Parastaev and Gennady Bekoev.
It was stressed that the commission will include members from all four parliamentary parties.