

Tue, 30/11/2010 - 11:44

Chochiev: Misunderstanding in the EUMM’s Area of Responsibility Can Lead to Serious Incidents at the Border

The incidents in the area of responsibility of the European Union Monitoring Mission (EUMM) in Georgia might hamper the normal work on identification and consolidation of the border line between South Ossetia and Georgia, reports the press-service of the Office of the South Ossetian President’s Special Representative for Post-Conflict Settlement referring to the letter addressed by the Special Representative Boris Chochiev to Pierre Morel, the EU Co-Chair of the Geneva Discussions on secuirty in South Caucasus.

Tue, 30/11/2010 - 11:43

Russian State Duma Ratifies the Agreement with South Ossetia on Mututal Protection of Investments

On November 26, the Russian State Duma has ratified Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of South Ossetia on the promotion and reciprocal protection of investments, says the the official website of the State Duma.
The document was signed on 1 December 2009 to create international legal conditions and guarantees for business and investment activities of the Russian Federation and the Republic of South Ossetia.


Mon, 29/11/2010 - 13:09

Minimum Unemployment Allowance in South Ossetia 998 RUB

The number of unemployed persons having applied to the Department of Labor and Employment within the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of South Ossetia for the second quarter of 2010 reached 2,077 people, reported the Head of the Department Nonna Mkrtchyan.
According to her, unemployment has affected nearly all sectors of society.
"People with both higher and secondary education come to find a job. There are still less job vacancies than the unemployed registered. According to the report as of 15 September 2010, our registry contained data on 2,077 people, and there 526 job vacancies. These proportions do not cover the needs of all", said Mkrtchyan.


Fri, 26/11/2010 - 18:06

Defense Ministry of South Ossetia Desposes Unusable Ammunition

Combat engineers of the Ministry of Defence of South Ossetia are destroying unusable ammunition. As the press service of the Defense Ministry reports to IA "Res", unusable munitions are transported to a special shooting range of the MoD to be disposed there.
"The unexploded ordnances found on the territory of the Republic after the hostilities in August 2008 are also disposed there ", reports the Defense Ministry.
It was also noted that the explosions would be made daily until 4 December.

Fri, 26/11/2010 - 16:15

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Ossetia: Many Positions in the Report of Mr. Vollebaek Run Counter to the Real Situation

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia comments on the report of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Knut Vollebaek to the OSCE Permanent Council

On November 3, 2010, the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities paid a visit to South Ossetia. During his visit, Mr. Vollebaek met with officials of the Republic of South Ossetia, ethnic communities, also visited Leningor district.

Fri, 26/11/2010 - 11:58

Residents of the Borderline Georgian Village Try to Prevent Demarcation

According to press service of the KGB of South Ossetia, 25 November afternoon during demarcation work in the villages of Pris and Argvits (Tskhinval district) near the borderline between South Ossetia and Georgia, residents of the Georgian village of Ditsi (Georgia) tried to prevent the work of demarcation group.
"Around ten residents of the Georgian village Ditsi came close to the state border and demanded to stop the work, allegedly because the territory belongs to their village. Since there was no border crossing on either of the sides, the demarcation group continued its work, paying no attention to the villagers shouting ", KGB reported.



Tue, 23/11/2010 - 17:09

Roin Kozaev: The Chamber of Commerce of South Ossetia is a mediator between businesses and government

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) of South Ossetia is active valid for already eight years. During this time, it has been promoting business in the Republic, supporting entrepreneurs and commercial organizations. Roin Kozaev, the CCI Chair, told IA RES about the work being done by CCI of South Ossetia to establish effective collaboration between business and government, its goals and objectives, as well as the problems the Chamber faces.


Sat, 20/11/2010 - 09:51

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Ossetia Sends a Letter to the OSCE

The Minister for Foreign Affairs of South Ossetia Murat Dzhioev sent a letter to the Chairman-in-Office of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Mr. Kanat Saudabayev with copies to Secretary General of OSCE
Marc Perrin de Brichambaut, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania Audronius Ajubalisu.
The letter reads:
"The OSCE over the years, starting from 1992, participated in the process of peaceful settlement of the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict. However, another full-scale military aggression by Georgia against South Ossetia in August 2008, accompanied with cruel violence by Georgian forces against the peaceful population of South Ossetia, nullified the efforts made within the peace process. Only the operation on forcing the aggressor to peace held by the Russian Federation prevented graver consequences of the criminal venture of the Georgian authorities and broke down their plans to make South Ossetia a ''clear field''.


Thu, 18/11/2010 - 11:20

Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Ossetia

In relation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly resolution "On the situation in Georgia"

The adopted 16 November 2010 NATO Parliamentary Assembly resolution, in which the territory of South Ossetia is called an "occupied Georgian territory," is another attempt to give a false understangin of the realities in the region, having biasly distorted them. The Republic of South Ossetia is a sovereign, recognized state and its territory cannot be regarded as "occupied Georgian territory", and its existence as a violation of someone else's "territorial integrity ".
