

Wed, 28/09/2016 - 19:32

IPRM format helps to solve the questions of citizens living in the border areas, - David Sanakoev

Security issues on the border between South Ossetia and Georgia were discussed at the 70th meeting in the framework of the mechanisms for preventing and responding to incidents (IPRM), which took place in the village of Ergneti, - told reporters after the meeting the head of the South Ossetian delegation, State Adviser to the President of the Republic of South Ossetia David Sanakoev.

"The situation at the border remains stable, despite the fact that there had been certain violations," said Sanakoev. Over the past period, for illegal crossing of the state border were detained eight citizens of Georgia, two of them still remaining in the Republic and the rest after the relevant procedures were expelled to the territory of Georgia."

According to Sanakoev, the meeting also raised the issue of crossing of the state border between the two countries by law enforcement agencies of Georgia.

"We have firmly condemned these actions and called for Georgian participants to ensure that such actions will no longer be repeated - said Sanakoyev. - We have also identified the need for delimitation and demarcation of the state border in order to avoid the problems, first of all, faced by citizens living on the border line. "

Sanakoev has added that in the course of the meeting the Georgian side raised issues of detainees who are under investigation in the territory of the Republic of South Ossetia.

"We have noted that these Georgian citizens are kept in the same conditions as the rest of the detainees ", - Sanakoev said.

The head of the South Ossetian delegation has also noted that during the 70th anniversary meeting of its members, it was noted that the IPRM format is important, as it helps to address the issues that arise for citizens living in the border areas.


Fri, 23/09/2016 - 18:30

The representatives of South Ossetia took part in the first International Youth Educational Forum "Eurasia"

Representatives of youth of South Ossetia Mikhail Kochiev, Alexander Kulumbegov and Alan Tibilov in the direction of the Rossotrudnichestvo became participants of the educational forum "Eurasia", held from 7 to 11 September in Orenburg.
"The forum brought together around 800 young scientists and specialists, undergraduates and graduate students from 90 countries of the Eurasian continent, which activity is connected with development of international youth cooperation, cooperation with compatriots abroad, studying Russian language, culture and history of Russia. During these days the participants had a rich educational program, opened by panel discussion with the participation of the head of Federal Agency on Affairs of Commonwealth of Independent States Lyubov Glebova and head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs Sergey Pospelov, that launched the international cooperation among the participants of the forum".
The forum participants were given the opportunity to participate in the work with case studies.
"The thematic case studies included the following topics: XIX world festival of youth and students; the volunteer movement – the international language of communication of young people; the program "Ambassadors of the Russian language in the world of "crowd-funding – the collective sponsorship projects; youth involvement in social practice, protection of youth projects. The main theme of the meeting is preparations for the world festival of youth and students, which will be held in the fall of 2017 in Sochi."
The political scientist, the General Director of the Russian center of studying of public opinion Valery Fedorov discussed with the participants of the forum the theme of Russian identity.
"Publicist Anatoly Wasserman told the forum about the role of youth in modern politics. - There were also many panel discussions aimed at developing youth cooperation among participants.
On 10 September at the cultural complex "national village" in Orenburg hosted the official closing of the International youth educational forum "Eurasia". At the ceremony were the Governor-Chairman of the government Yury Berg and Director of the Forum Alexey Rubtsov".
All the participants were awarded certificates of the International Youth Educational Forum "Eurasia".


Thu, 22/09/2016 - 22:01

Leonid Tibilov has received Andrew Gurulev

President Leonid Tibilov has received Deputy Commander of the southern military district of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant-General Andrey Gurulev and Commander of the 4th Russian military base, stationed in the Republic of South Ossetia, Guards Colonel Alexander Kravtsov.

"I could not pass by today, without saying words of gratitude before leaving for a new post. I have no words to express my gratitude to you personally, Leonid Kharitonovich, and all the people of South Ossetia for the understanding of our collaborative relationship. With all my heart and soul I am always with you and ready to help at any moment ", - said Andrei Gurulev.

Leonid Tibilov, for his part, has expressed his gratitude to Lieutenant General Andrew Gurulev for the warm words, noting that the existing mutual cooperation, which will only deepen with the implementation of the Treaty of Alliance between the Republic of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation, may serve as an example for many people.
"The fact that today in South Ossetia there is stationed the 4th Russian military base is a factor of stability in our Republic. Thanks to Russian servicemen, we feel calm and it's great, "- said the President.
The President has also welcomed the Commander of the 4th Russian military base, Guards Colonel Alexander Kravtsov, who has replaced Guards Colonel Mikhail Polishchuk.
"I look forward to further cooperation between the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of South Ossetia and the servicemen of the 4th Russian military base in the framework of established traditions, in the name of protecting the interests of our peoples", - the President said.
Earlier, Andrey Gurulev served as Commander of the 58th Army.
The meeting was also attended by Secretary of Security Council of South Ossetia Anatoly Pliev and the Minister of Defense of South Ossetia Ibrahim Gasseev.


Mon, 05/09/2016 - 23:38

The South Ossetian delegation took part in the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the proclamation of independence of Nagorno Karabakh

The delegation of South Ossetia headed by the first Deputy Head of the Presidential Executive Office of the Republic Konstantin Pukhaev took part in the celebrations held in Stepanakert on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of proclamation of the independence of Nagorno Karabakh.

As reported to the news agency "Res" by Konstantin Pukhaev, the delegation from South Ossetia consisted of the Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee of the RSO for Foreign Affairs and Inter-parliamentary Relations Igor Kochiev and the Chairman of the South Ossetian Commercial Bank Vasily Shaadyan.

"President of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic Bako Sahakyan has invited the President of our Republic Leonid Tibilov to participate in the celebrations of the 25th anniversary of independence of Nagorno Karabakh and the head of state has formed the delegation ", - said Pukhaev.

According to him, the South Ossetian delegation in Nagorno-Karabakh was met with great cordiality.

"On arrival, we visited several companies, met with labor collectives, - said Pukhaev. - Everywhere we were met with great joy when they learned that we were from South Ossetia, people hurried to shake hands with us. "

Pukhaev has noted that the capital of Nagorno-Karabakh - Stepanakert is cozy, clean city with modern buildings, where the consequences of the war are virtually invisible.

"We had close contacts with the locals, they enjoyed our visit and were interested in how we live in the recognized state, - Pukhaev said. - We also went to Shushi - an ancient city with a huge number of monuments of architecture and culture. We visited the museum and the history of money circulation in Armenia. "

At the reception organized by the President of Nagorno-Karabakh, South Ossetian members of the delegation met with the President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan.

"We welcomed Serzh Sargsyan, congratulated him on the holiday - Pukhaev said. - As I learned later, our minute dialogue caused some discontent in neighboring Georgia. This of course, will not stop us to get closer, to strengthen contacts with our colleagues from Karabakh. "

According to Pukhaev, at the reception he has noted that 32 Ossetians took part in the national liberation struggle of Artsakh, 7 of them were killed there; two of them were awarded the title of Hero of Artsakh posthumously.

"We have also met with the President of Nagorno-Karabakh, who said very warm words about our Republic, we were talking in a very relaxed, warm and friendly atmosphere, he conveyed best wishes to the people and the President of our country, - said Konstantin Pukaev. - Bako Sahakyan expressed his willingness to strengthen our relations, to find some mutually beneficial, mutually acceptable opportunities for cooperation. "

Pukhaev noted that the people of Nagorno-Karabakh are freedom-loving and very hardworking.

"Despite the economic difficulties, people are determined to achieve recognition of their statehood", - said Pukhaev.


Wed, 31/08/2016 - 12:11

Minister of Culture of the RSO Madina Ostaeva met with the Italian university professor Karmello Di Piazza

Today took place the meeting of the Minister of Culture of South Ossetia Madina Ostaeva with the dean of the Faculty of English Language and Literature at the University of Palermo (Italy) Professor Karmello Di Piazza.
According to the press service of the Ministry of Culture of the RSO, during the meeting the sides discussed issues of expansion of close cooperation in the field of culture. It is planned to organize an exhibition of the South Ossetian artists in Italy and Italian artists in South Ossetia.
Minister of Culture has supported the proposal of the Italian professor to hold a solo concert of classical music pianist Alice Di Piazza in Tskhinval.
The talented pianist performs THE works of the classics, as well as Sofia Gubaidulina, Russian composer, author of more than 100 symphonies, chorus and orchestra, instrumental ensembles, music for theater, cinema and much more.
During the meeting Madina Ostaeva presented to the guest a book of the photographer Tamara Shavlokhova.
The meeting was also attended by President of the Chess Federation of South Ossetia Georgy Shavlokhov. During the meeting it was planned to hold friendly online chess match between South Ossetia and the city of Palermo.
It should be noted that Karmello Di Piazza arrived in South Ossetia for the first time.


Tue, 30/08/2016 - 11:47

Leonid Tibilov met with Dmitry Medvedev in the framework of the World Forum "In unity with Russia"

August 29, 2016 in Moscow President of the Republic of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov met with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in the framework of the World Forum "In unity with Russia". According to the press Secretary of the Head of State Ghana Yanovskaya, during the meeting Leonid Tibilov said: "Dear Dmitry Anatolyevich, South Ossetia always welcomes you. August 26 we celebrated the 8th anniversary of Russia's recognition of our statehood- the Day of signing of the relevant Decree by you. The event was held under the idea of rapprochement of our countries. Today we have the opportunity to work on the implementation of the set of government programs, promoting the Republic`s development. "

Dmitry Medvedev, in turn, thanked Leonid Tibilov for participation in the Forum, noting his contribution to the rapprochement of the two states.

"It is encouraging that South Ossetia is developing, that the ideas that we have defended in 2008, are not lost and there is a further rapprochement between our countries and peoples. I sincerely wish you and the people of South Ossetia every success", - said Russian Prime Minister, accepting the invitation of Leonid Tibilov to visit the Republic.


Sat, 27/08/2016 - 15:33

Leonid Tibilov met with Vyacheslav Bitarov

South Ossetian President Leonid Tibilov met with the acting head of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania Vyacheslav Bitarov, arrived in the Republic on his first official visit to participate in the festive events dedicated to the Day of recognition of independence of South Ossetia by the Russian Federation.
The Head of State welcomed the guest and noted that he was glad to see him in the Republic in such an important and meaningful celebration for the South Ossetian people.
"I am very glad that you are with us today on this solemn day for us, together with the South Ossetian people taking part in the celebration of such an important event - the day of the recognition of South Ossetia by the Russian Federation", - Tibilov said.
The President has also said that he does not divide Ossetia into South and North.
"We are one nation, and we are always glad to see you here," - said Tibilov.
Vyacheslav Bitarov congratulated Leonid Tibilov on the eighth anniversary of recognition of the state independence of the Republic of South Ossetia by the Russian Federation, noting that today is a holiday not just for South Ossetia, but for Ossetia as a whole.
"The people of the Republic underwent a lot of hardships,- Bitarov said. - Today South Ossetia is independence, recognized state. People of North Ossetia are rejoicing with the South Ossetian people. We will be doing everything we can to strengthen the unity between the people of Ossetia."
During the meeting, Tibilov and Bitarov agreed to implement joint projects in socio-economic and cultural spheres.


Thu, 11/08/2016 - 10:25

Alexander Totoonov: The people of South Ossetia will always be grateful to Russia for salvation

Member of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs – co-chair of the Commission on cooperation between the Federation Council and the Parliament of the Republic of South Ossetia Alexander Totoonov took part in commemorative events dedicated to the 8th anniversary of the beginning of armed aggression of Georgia against South Ossetia.

As reported to IA "RES" the Aide to Senator Katherine Tolasova, every year on August 8 at the Embassy of South Ossetia in the Russian Federation, as in all parts of the Republic of South Ossetia, the national flag is at half-mast.
Members of the Moscow Ossetian community, the participants of the peacekeeping battalion, who had repelled the first treacherous attack of aggressors in 2008, the embassy staff and permanent representation of North Ossetia-Alania, as well as the residents of the capital laid flowers and lit candles in memory of the victims. On the same day, at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was held a prayer service for the victims in 2008, civilians of South Ossetia, the defenders of Tskhinval, South Ossetian and Russian peacekeepers, soldiers and officers of the Russian army, who at the cost of their lives saved the people of South Ossetia from physical destruction.

"War is a tragedy of the people involved in it. Those who unleash war, forever become responsible for innocent victims, as well as live forever in the memory those who defended the independence and freedom of their land. Today, lighting candles of memory, we reaffirm that a grateful memory will always keep the names and deeds of all those who were bringing closer the desired day of the declaration of independence of long-suffering South Ossetia. Our memory will keep long years of struggle and hardships, thousands of lives being lost during this time.
We will always remember crippled lives, tens of thousands forced to leave their homes and being left without shelter and livelihood. But, most importantly, the people of South Ossetia will always remember and appreciate the assistance of the brotherly Russian people.
Russia, confirming the status of a great power, the guarantor of the state and the peacemaker, protected not only its citizens, but saved from complete destruction South Ossetia and its people from genocide ", - said Alexander Totoonov.

The senator has noted that this day filled with mourning and sadness, is also reminiscent of other feelings that Ossetians experienced on August 26 when recognizing the independence of South Ossetia: "This is a milestone, a major event not only for South Ossetia, but also for the entire Ossetian nation."


Tue, 26/07/2016 - 09:45

In Moscow has opened an exhibition of the Ossetian artists 'Naivety simple. Naïvety complex"

A sold-out show was the opening of the exhibition of the Ossetian artists "Naivety simple. Naivety complex " in Moscow Gallery A3 at the end of last week. The exhibition has opened in the framework of the annual festival "South Ossetia" .
According to the curator of the project Tsopan Gassiev, the opening of the exhibition was attended by many guests and journalists.
"Naive creativity of Ossetian artists has attracted considerable interest among art lovers and art critics," - he said.
The exhibition presents works by masters of South and North Ossetia in such an interesting direction as naïve art.
Here are the works of professional artists Khsar Gassiev, Vadim Bezhanov, Olga Maltyzova, Sergei Gassiev, Dmitry Tomaev and the "true naive artists."
The main objective of the exhibition is to draw attention to the creative heritage of the national sculptor Sicko Karkusov.
The festival "South Ossetia" is held annually.
The exhibition is open until August 14.
