The South Ossetian delegation in Geneva has achieved discussion of the illegitimacy of the term "occupied territories" in relation to the independent states

The official delegation of the Republic of South Ossetia at the Geneva international discussions took part in the plenary session of the 19th round. As reported to IA "Res" over the telephone from Geneva, by the Head of delegation, the Plenipotentiary of the President of South Ossetia on post-conflict settlement Boris Chochiev, the "contentious debates on the future development of the draft agreement on the nonuse of force by Georgia against the Republic of South Ossetia and Abkhazia was held in the course of the meeting." "The Russian side has proposed a draft statement of the Geneva discussions on Transcaucasia on the nonuse of force, - said Boris Chochiev. - However, the Georgian side once again did not agree with this project.

Boris Chochiev: Co-Chairs of the UN, EU and OSCE have expressed great interest in the elections of South Ossetia

Today in the Swiss Confederation the official delegation of the Republic of South Ossetia has held consultations with the Co-Chairs of the Geneva talks about the 19th round of discussions, planned for tomorrow. This has been said IA "Res" over the telephone from Geneva by the head of delegation, the Plenipotentiary of the President of South Ossetia on post-conflict settlement Boris Chochiev.

Wed, 28/03/2012 - 12:04

Спортсмен из Южной Осетии вышел в финал турнира по боксу

Воспитанник школы бокса Цхинвала Азамат Плиев вышел в финал первенства Общественно-государственного физкультурно-спортивного объединения (ОГФСО) «Юность России» среди спортсменов 1996-1997 годов рождения. Об этом ИА «Рес» сообщил наставник спортсмена Мурат Кокоев.
«Наш спортсмен выступает в супертяжёлой весовой категории. Его соперник в поединке за первое место станет известен после боя за выход в финал между представителями команд Дагестана и Ставропольского края. Финальный поединок состоится 29 марта 2012 года», — сказал Кокоев.
По его мнению, Плиев проявит себя на этих соревнованиях с наилучшей стороны.

The Delegation of South Ossetia arrived in Geneva to participate in the discussions

An official delegation of the Republic of South Ossetia arrived in the Swiss Confederation to participate in the Geneva international discussions. This has been reported to IA "Res" over the phone from Geneva by the head of the South Ossetian delegation, the Plenipotentiary of the President of South Ossetia on post-conflict settlement Boris Chochiev.
According to Chochiev, discussion of the confidence-building measures, the draft agreement on the nonuse of force by Georgia against South Ossetia and Abkhazia, clarification of the fate of the missing persons and humanitarian questions will be continued at the meeting in Geneva.

Central Election Committee of South Ossetia published a report on the voting results of the presidential election in South Ossetia

The second round of presidential re-election in South Ossetia is scheduled for April 8, 2012. This decision of the CEC has been published today in the media of the Republic.
According to the CEC final protocol, Leonid Tibilov, who has collected 42.48% of the vote (11,453 people) and David Sanakoev, who has collected 24.58% of voters (6627 people) will contest in the South Ossetian presidential run-off. Dmitry Medoev who has collected 23.79% (6415 votes) and Stanislav Kochiev - 5.26% (1417 votes) have dropped out of the presidential race. 216 electors voted against all candidates.

Leonid Tibilov and David Sanakoev will contest in the South Ossetian presidential run-off

None of the candidates for president of South Ossetia has collected the required number of votes to win the first round. As reported by the CEC Chairman Bella Plieva at a briefing of the CEC Information Centre, according to preliminary data of the second round Leonid Tibilov, who has collected 42.48% of the vote (11,453 people) and David Sanakoev, who has collected 24.58% of voters (6627 people) will contest in the South Ossetian presidential run-off.
Dmitry Medoev who has collected 23.79% (6415 votes) and Stanislav Kochiev - 5.26% (1417 votes) have dropped out of the presidential race. 0.80% (216 electors) voted against all candidates.

Ministry of Internal Affairs of South Ossetia: New Passports of citizens of South Ossetia are being issued step-by-step

South Ossetian Interior Ministry denied the information, as if a large number of passports of citizens of South Ossetia had been issued on the eve of presidential elections in the Republic. As reported to IA "Res" by the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic, since May 20, 2011 the Interior Ministry issued 6825 new passports to the citizens of South Ossetia.

Polling stations in the presidential elections of South Ossetia have been closed

Polling stations in the presidential elections of South Ossetia have been closed; the voting in the Republic came to an end.
As reported to IA "Res" by the CEC Chairman Bella Plieva, the election was declared successful, over 65% of the registered citizens took part in the voting. Later the CEC will present the more accurate data on the turnout of voters.

Russian observers have not yet recorded any violations of the presidential elections in South Ossetia

All the electoral processes of the presidential election in South Ossetia comply with the current legislation of South Ossetia and are being held without any violations. This has been declared the Russian official of the Coordinating Council of NGOs for protection of citizens' voting rights, Igor Bogdanov at a briefing of the CEC Information Center. According to him, he was present at the opening of the four polling stations. "We are seeing a complete ensuring of the electoral rights of citizens of South Ossetia.
