The Session of the Organizational Committee Takes place

Tue, 13/03/2007 - 12:20

Today in Tskhinval under the presidency of OSCE takes place the session of the Organizational Committee. The donors also take part in the meeting, including the representatives of Euro commission, the European Union, Turkey and the United States of America, together with the representatives of the georgian, the south-ossetian, the Russian and the north-ossetian parties.
During the meeting the International projects on economic rehabilitation of the zone of the georgian-ossetian conflict were discussed.
The committee, consisting of donors, discusses the progress reached during realization of the projects, including the programs of trainings in the sphere of business and agriculture. The projects on restoration of several schools in Kvajsa region and on improvement of potable water supply of Tskhinvali and Тamarasheni are also considered.
« The Organizational Committee prefers the projects, that will be of direct benefit to the population in the zone of the conflict, and will promote the growth of trust between the communities », the Ambassador and the head of the Mission of OSCE in Georgia Roy Riv has noted.
The Committee also considers the future projects in the field of social infrastructure, roads, power, agriculture, business and finance.
« The meeting confirms the adherence of the international community to the principles of cooperation and building of trust in support of the peace settlement of the georgian-ossetian conflict», Roy Riv has added.
In June, 2006 OSCE held a meeting in Brussels, where the international donors have expressed their readiness to allocate nearby 8 million Euros for the program that will be carried out by the Mission of OSCE in Georgia. The means will be directed on financing of the projects, coordinated by the georgian and south-ossetian parties by the results of studying of the requirements, held past year.
19 countries-participants of OSCE, including Georgia and the Euro commission have allocated means for financing of the rehabilitation program.

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